ICONOMI Monthly Update — August 2017

Ervin K. Ursic
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2017

Dear ICONOMI supporters,

Our story began just twelve months ago when we announced our ICO and our ambition to create the world’s first digital assets management platform. Since then, we have successfully built a bridge between the old and new economy, opening the ICONOMI platform and collecting $8.2M in investments in BLX. We also announced our partnership with Columbus Capital and started onboarding our very first DAA managers.

Welcome to our monthly update for August 2017 — our busiest month yet. Read below for more details.

Platform Release

Since the ICONOMI platform opened for registration, more than 16,000 new users have signed up, depositing over $101.6M in digital assets. We also introduced higher deposit and withdrawal limits and ID verification with IDNow.

First DAA Managers

We announced a call for applications for the very first group of DAA managers and have received more than 150 applications from many qualified individuals and organizations. We look forward to working with the top candidates.

Columbus Capital Partnership

On August 11, we announced a partnership with ICONOMI’s first professional DAA manager, Columbus Capital, an asset management company specializing in global emerging markets and strategic investing in both traditional and alternative funds. Besides BLX (formerly known as ICNX) and CCP (formerly known as ICNP), Columbus Capital will also be managing Blockchain.ONE, a regulated fund that will be listed on traditional exchanges.


ICNX has been rebranded to Columbus Capital Blockchain Index (BLX) to better represent its purpose and structure. Our high-performance fund, formerly known as ICNP and now managed by Columbus Capital, has been rebranded to Columbus Capital Pinta (CCP), the name of Columbus’ fastest ship.

Additionally, BLX has been tokenized and is now available for withdrawal from the platform.

August AMA

During our monthly AMA on August 16, we answered your most upvoted questions. Stay tuned for our next AMA on September 15, 2017, where we will once again answer your questions about ICONOMI.

Team Updates

The ICONOMI team is growing fast. Check out our about page to see some of the new faces.

Yours sincerely,
The ICONOMI team

