Monthly Update VII

Published in
5 min readJul 27, 2018

In July we added three new DAAs, including our first DAAs based in India and Italy, released new mobile and web app features, published interviews with our Q2 top three DAA managers, and much more.

Note: In the past, we have published Monthly Updates in the middle of the following month. Going forward, we have decided to publish Monthly Updates at the end of each month.

This update covers the time period between our last Monthly Update and the end of July. The next ICONOMI Digest will be posted next Friday, August 3.

Q2 DAA Overview and Top Manager Interviews

On July 5 we published an overview of the top three best-performing DAAs of Q2. Two thirds of DAAs, including the top three, outperformed BTC in Q2. We also published interviews with our three top DAA managers of the quarter, Cain Ransbottyn of Trade, Elad Shtilerman of Cornucopia Index, and Sven Van de Perre of Exponential Age Array.

Q2 Development Overview

On June 21 we published our development overview for Q2. Check the image below for a quick synopsis, or read the full post here.

We will continue to release periodic development updates as the platform evolves.

50K Twitter Followers

Our Twitter page has reached a new milestone: 50K followers. To celebrate, we randomly selected twenty followers to receive ICONOMI branded merchandise.

New DAAs

Third Eye Array (TEA)

Dan Verowski’s TEA DAA is structured in three distinct modules in order to “maximize performance, mitigate risks, and balance diversification.” Project selections are based on “value over profit, and holistic sustainability first.”

Tactical Gains Array (TGA)

TGA focuses on long-term growth, selecting digital assets that “provide liquidity and high capitalization with the aim of ensuring stability and constant growth.” TGA is also our first DAA based in Italy.

Incrypt Fundamentals (IFI)

IFI is our first DAA based in India. The team’s stated missions is to “cut through the hype and carefully select a concentrated portfolio of strong protocols and infrastructure projects.”

DAA Manager Insights

GB Global Blockchain AG

Roger Wurzel of the Sustainable Crypto Selection DAA explained his transition from traditional asset management to crypto, his allocation strategy, and more in his interview.

Tactical Gains Array (TGA)

Umberto Pagnini and Gianluca Panelli of Tactical Gains Array described the emerging crypto scene in Italy, the challenges involved in achieving mass adoption, and other topics in their interview.

The ICONOMI Digest

We have shifted the format of our Weekly Update series to a biweekly schedule. The updates have also been renamed to The ICONOMI Digest, which was chosen by the ICONOMI community in a Twitter poll.

Android App Activity Page

The Android app now has an Activity section, enabling users to track their platform activity directly from the app. Download the latest version from the Play Store.

Activity Export

In addition to tracking your transaction, deposit, and withdrawal history, you can now export your data as a CSV file. Log in to try out this new feature yourself.



  • On June 16, ICONOMI Head of DAAs Jure Sutar spoke at the Zero-In Conference in London on the challenges the digital asset management industry is currently facing and how ICONOMI is solving them.
  • On July 15, Janez also attended the Coin Agenda Europe conference in Malta, where he discussed managing risk, reward, and regulation in blockchain.


What’s Next?

On August 1, 2017, we opened registration for the ICONOMI platform. We’ll be releasing a retrospective of the platform’s first year next week to celebrate the occasion.

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