Midsummer Inspiration

Areti Vassou
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4 min readJul 12, 2022


Let creativity guide you!

What I’ve learned so far is that first, you learn the rules of the game, then you break them and finally you make your own recipe without seeking any kind of approval.

Just get up, show up and do the hard work.

Don’t get me wrong, I am just a CEO of an SEO Copywriting Agency, not a professional Pastry Chef. But creating new recipes in my line of work has become my second nature.

Can you imagine Hemingway or Plath putting their creativity on hold while reading all existing how-to-be-a-successful-writer guides? No way! Either you write or you don’t write, there is no such thing as a guaranteed way to be successful.

Of course, taking useful courses for writing styling or investing in high-quality education will boost the tools of your existing copywriting charisma but will never make you a famous wordsmith. Doing the hard work of writing will do. Eventually.

Don’t be afraid, just do it! Take the next step!

Photo credits Areti Vassou

Do more. Talk less. Move quietly.

Blogging is the best way to grow your business

We love creative minds

The interaction with readers and followers can become fruitful and productive. Many of my readers prefer to have private online discussions on some of the hot digital marketing topics. Through these discussions, incredible ideas are born! Mainly, for suggestions on how to deal with technical problems.

Dancing with newborn ideas is fascinating and rewarding enough to make you want to go further on this road. Think of bloggers as the new generation of chronicle writers and time-travelers. They witness reality and facts with a wandering eye and carry the responsibility to record what they see.

Even the most inexperienced blogger out there is part of this chain. Future generations will look back on our era and will have a rich slice of our reality at this point in time. Believe it or not, it’s the small stones that keep a bridge in place!

Blogging makes networking a piece of cake. How?

Read this article and thank us later!

Photo credits Areti Vassou

Tip of the Day: A brave NO is a disguised YES to a better life.

It’s ok to take a break!

Yes, it’s ok to take a break. We all need an escape from reality, every now and then.

Don’t feel bad when you give yourself the space to take a mental health break. Learn to take good care of yourself when you need it because nobody else will do it for you.

We are responsible for our own health.

Photo credits Areti Vassou

About IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency

Ideadeco SEO Copywriting Agency is located in Greece. We are making brands win attention since 2000. Our clients are spread all over the world and our associated partners have offices in 24 countries.

We create SEO-friendly, personalized digital content. We provide copywriting services for brands. Since 2000 we are into the business of making brands stand out and lead the game.

We know how to turn a brand into a solid community. We make ideas happen in a world of noise. We do business only with those who seek results.

We started with only 100 Newsletter subscribers and today we have grown into a huge community of +50.000 people. Do you want to join us?

Our newsletter will ring your doorbell once a month with a variety of topics about SEO, copywriting, creativity, life lessons, traveling, digital nomads, digital marketing, social media and business news.

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Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing.