Project Update August — V3.1 Trusted Compute, New Exchanges, and V4 is coming!

Blair Maclennan
Published in
6 min readAug 13, 2019

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As can be seen from our GitHub activity, the summer heatwave has not slowed the development of the iExec stack. We’re preparing for an even busier autumn and winter period, with plenty lined up for release. Stay tuned for the following Dev Letter for more details of the tech features to be included.

For a taste of what is to come, and in case you missed our last project update, feel free to have a refresher and read the summary of the 7 Key Takeaways from the iExec V3 announcements.

What’s next?

Around the end of this year, we will see the release of iExec V4: the high-performance computing version with GPU integration, sidechain, bag-of-tasks and more.

iExec is currently planning the next big event, Devcon5, the most important conference on the calendar of anyone involved with Ethereum. It will definitely be worth keeping an eye on iExec during this conference.

iExec V3.1

Looking back at this month, we were happy to announce that iExec V3.1 was successfully deployed. This version includes:

  • More efficient computing middleware
  • Patch update for public workers
  • A new feature in the iExec TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) Solution: the choice to compute using a TEE public worker pool (for individual workers with Intel® SGX machines).

Trusted Off-chain compute with the iExec Trusted Execution Solution

Released last year in collaboration with Intel, the iExec TEE solution is the easiest way to build a blockchain application with end-to-end data encryption within a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) Intel SGX.

Get started, read the technical documentation ➡️

Decentralized Oracles with iExec

Whether you are an individual developer or enterprise, iExec offers you one of the most complete and simple-to-use decentralized oracle solutions. We released a series of articles on this new addition to the iExec decentralized cloud computing stack. Have a read to learn why oracles are needed and how you can build one in no time with the iExec SDK.

If you’re building a decentralized application on Ethereum, trying to solve a real-world problem, chances are you’ll need to connect to the real world. Here is a general introduction:

Get started (in less than an hour) and try our developer training program to earn some RLC:

Exchanges and two new listings for the iExec RLC Token

Legislation in the USA

Legislation is changing in the USA and iExec would like to insist that the situation is one of our main priorities. Although these issues take time, our asset management team is working hard on exchange prospects. As an RLC token holder, facing these announcements may leave you with some questions. You’ll find the answers in this blog post:

iExec is now listed on Kyber Network:

RLC will be accessible through Kyber Network and KyberSwap and other platforms that are tapping into the on-chain liquidity protocol. Learn more about this new listing on Kyber’s blog post below. Learn more on the Kyber Network blog here.

iExec is now listed on AirSwap DEX:

Having the iExec RLC token listed on Airswap decentralized exchange is excellent news for the project, easing platform adoption by facilitating access to RLC liquidity. Exchange RLC directly from your wallet with zero fees.

Partnerships and Collaborations

iExec was invited to join the Industrial Internet Consortium, to set the standard for blockchain use in IoT dependent industries. iExec will join potential clients and collaborators in the fog computing, 5G and IoT innovation space. Learn more in the IIC quarterly newsletter.

Other Developments

BPI Concourse Innovation Award

iExec attended the award ceremony for the ‘Investment for the Future’ after winning in February. The program is by BPI, a French public investment bank. iExec received a $1million grant to support the development of a blockchain-based cloud solution for enterprises in France.

Learn more about the investment program:


Kang, Alex, Colan, and Marina are International Community Managers for iExec. If you follow the Korean, Russian or Chinese channels, they help with the creation and distribution of content. They visited the Lyon Office for the first time to meet the whole team. We’re excited about our future business development and marketing strategy. The international iExec community is only going to keep growing!

Meetups and Events

To finish off the update, let’s have a look back at all the events the team has organized and participated in across the globe in Europe and Asia. 🌏

JC of iExec presented to members of the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA) on the subject of Blockchain and AI. iExec has been a member of EEA and a chair for the trusted compute group since 2017, working towards setting the standard for industry adoption.

  • iExec head of security, Dr Lei Zhang and co-founder Dr Haiwu He presented at the National Supercomputer Center in Jinan, China.

Home to one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, we were invited to give an update on the latest iExec technology.

The iExec team is reachable on Slack, Gitter or Telegram. You can subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about announcements news and community events.

Interested in following the iExec project? What’s next?
Before iExec V4 (the high-performance computing version with GPU support) is released this year, we’ll be giving more news on the recent developments of each of the recent announcements. To be the first to know and get exclusive updates, subscribe to the iExec newsletter and follow on social media.

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