Top Stories published by IfNotNow Torah in May of 2017

Acherei Mot-Kedoshim: Travel Far to Draw Near

Rachel is with IfNotNow DC.

In this double parasha, we are told of the ancient rituals for atonement that became Yom Kippur, laws about blood and sexual relationships, and the code for holiness. The parasha begins with the…

Parashat BaMidbar: Strength in the wilderness

Rachel is with IfNotNow DC.

This week’s parasha begins the book we call Numbers in English, clearly a reference to the census taken of the Israelites in the first chapter. In Hebrew, however, the book is called BaMidbar (“in…

Behar-Bechukotai: Words from the Mountain

Rabbi Mira is with IfNotNow NYC.

In this double parashah of Behar Bechukotai, we come to the conclusion of the Book of Leviticus. Throughout this tome, also called as instructions for the priests or Torat Cohanim, we find…