Top Stories published by IfNotNow Torah in August of 2017

Eikev: Chosenness and Choosing

Rabbi Lizz is with IfNotNow DC.

This week’s Torah portion deals in the question of Chosenness. Moses tells the people of the Israelite camp that if they obey all the commandments, then God will love them and bless them above all the other peoples of…

Shoftim: Pursuing Justice Justly

Rabbi Lizz is a member of IfNotNow D.C., and co-wrote this d’var Torah with Mira Shoshana of IfNotNow Toronto.

In this week’s Torah portion, Parashat Shoftim, we read the famous line, “Justice, Justice shall you pursue, that you may live and…

Va-et’channan: What does it mean to “love G-d?”

Rachel is with IfNotNow DC.

Earlier this week, I sat across the breakfast table from a fellow hive member, as we discussed our interpretations of what “G-d” is. Unsurprisingly, we got into a cyclical conversation: Is G-d…