4 Things About March Signaled the New Year

And made me write about babies in short form.

Don Martin, real-life writer


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Now that it's almost over, we can address the short-timer month of March in the language of the short-form.

Four things I have seen and or heard this month have prompted me to consider and write about babies, a sure sign of the beginning of the year anew.

The first was the Mardi Gras King Cake baby which escaped causing dental damage again this year.

The call of a Barred Owl in my backyard sounded very baby-like.

The baby sound of March madness of at least two cats under my kitchen window forever one night.

The wonderful spring break invasion of my grandpeeps.

Though not as regular as the famous groundhog, these four infant items have certainly ushered in this new year!

Thank you for your time!

P.S. You could read my profile, or even better, you could bust on over HERE, leave your name, and I’d be happy to send you a note whenever I publish one of these “stories.” Don’t miss out!

