7 Covert Narcissist Behaviors So Strange They Are Unbelievable

You’ve got to see it to believe it

Melissa Kalt, MD


Surprise face
Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

When you have been abused by a covert narcissist, you start to see the predictability in their patterns — the passive-aggressive putdowns, gaslighting, sabotage, undermining, future faking, triangulation, weaponized incompetence, silent treatment, and more.

Some of their behaviors, however, are so odd you pause to be sure they’re real.

These are 7 of those unbelievably strange behaviors.

#1 They lie about small, seemingly insignificant things

Covert narcissists lie to some degree about almost everything. They are masters of “untruths” or “partial truths.”

Sometimes their decision to lie just doesn’t make sense. They lie about things so small and so insignificant; it seems it would be far simpler to tell the truth.

They tell someone they…

  • Trained for and ran a half-marathon
  • Stopped by the DMV to renew their license
  • Called their mom

To be clear, the person they’re telling doesn’t care about any of these things.



Melissa Kalt, MD

Leadership Catalyst/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.