How I Lost 30 Pounds of Fat Without Lifting a Finger

You don’t need to run a marathon or lift a truck every day

Romi Rafiq


Photo by Zoritsa Valova on Unsplash

Running up and down the stairs, punishing myself for eating that burger the other day while listening to a podcast, was the last thing I had imagined I would do on a chilly November evening.

Something caught my attention just as I was about to stop and end the podcast.

Eating fat burns fat.

Excuse me, miss? What was that?

Before I knew it, my fingers were tapping away on the left side of the screen to hear the words for the second time.

The host was talking about the keto diet.

I hurried on inside and started researching the diet, which by the way, turned me into a blogger.

It just seemed too good to be true!

- What is the keto diet?
- Ratio of macronutrients
- How I ate
- The two game-changing dishes
- Combining keto with intermittent fasting
- My final verdict

What is the keto diet?

The keto diet requires you to eat fats instead of carbohydrates as the primary source of energy.

The concept is actually quite simple. You eat fats to get into ketosis, where the body uses your fat to function.

Hey keyboardwarrior123, I know this is by no means a scientific explanation but I’m no scientist, am I?

Ratio of macronutrients

When on the keto diet, a person should keep their carb intake below 25g daily. And even those carbs should be from green, leafy vegetables, not the things we like.

Yes, I had to forget bread, donuts, biscuits and even tortillas!

Even fruit choices are limited.

Your typical day should look like 80–70% fat, 5–10% carbohydrates, and 10–20% protein.

When I first got this information, I was even more confused than when solving algebra for the first time!

How I ate

Being an Asian, my meals were incomplete without rice or tortilla, both of which are carbohydrates.

How was I going to survive this diet?

But after a marathon of research, I decided to give it a try because I was tired of forcing my body into moving.

It felt like punishment, honestly.

First off, I got the famous gluten-free flour and almond flour. And, of course, I had to get coconut flour as well.

But guess what?

I liked neither of them!

The first few weeks of the diet were terrible for me. I felt hangry, miserable, and confused.

But then, I discovered two dishes that changed everything.

The two game-changing dishes

As I mentioned earlier, most of the carbs you can take are green, leafy vegetables.

And I’m not a fan of vegetables, AT ALL!

I tried eating each veggie but only liked two of them: cabbage and bell pepper.

You must be thinking,

But what are the dishes you were talking about, Romi?

I honestly don’t have a name for the first one, so I’m just going to explain it.

Chopped-up cabbage and grilled chicken swimming in cheese sauce.

And the second one is perfect for everyone with a sweet tooth.

Low-carb chocolate mousse!

Yes, you can have desserts in keto, isn’t that awesome?

That’s it; that was all I ate. Well, not every day, but most of the days.

And even when I switched between dishes, the cheese sauce was a constant. Everything is better with cheese, right?

Combining keto with intermittent fasting

It is a common myth that you need to do intermittent fasting if you’re on the keto diet, but that’s not true.

In the beginning, I didn’t do it.

But as my body started adjusting to my new eating habits, my appetite changed, and I wasn’t as hungry as before.

I unintentionally started eating only once a day, sometimes twice.

Later on, I learned that there is a term for this called “intermittent fasting.”

But I used to listen to my body. If I felt hungry, I would eat. Otherwise, I won’t.

Wait, Mr.IKnowItAll345. Before you start hating commenting, I would like to speak on behalf of many people that when you’re an over-eater, it’s hard to differentiate between hunger and boredom!

My final verdict

I continued the keto diet for about seven months. I experienced the following positive outcomes during this time:

  • I lost 30 pounds of fat without a single minute of exercise.
  • My skin became clearer than ever. It started glowing and became fairer.
  • My eating habits improved as I was able to sense when I was hungry and when I wasn’t.
  • My over-eating and boredom-eating got in control.
  • My clothing size changed.

But there is always a downside to everything, isn’t there?

I also experienced hair loss and problems with my period. The latter scared me and put me off the keto wagon.

Well, that wasn’t the only reason. I MISSED CARBS!

But now that I have stopped doing keto, I need to stop writing now and get up to work out. Thank God I found Zumba; otherwise, I would’ve become a panda! See ya later!



Romi Rafiq

Blogger and copywriter at Alifya Studio. Obsessed with books and skincare. Open for freelance writing. Reach out: romirafiq505@gmail.com