How Much Medium Paid Me for 25K+ Views

One of my articles from early 2021 passed 25K views on medium. How much did I get paid?

Samrat Dutta


I am writing on Medium for more than one and a half years now. And one of the best things I got on Medium is the community of writers and readers. After that factor, the very next thing that motivates me to write is, you guessed it, money.

Medium is such a great platform to start earning if you can just produce great articles that people would love to read.

I had a dream to write articles on the interesting stuff in the world of mathematics for a long time and Medium gave me the platform to do that finally. So, I started writing about prime numbers, pigeonhole principle, and interesting unsolved problems.

Then I wrote an article on the Mandelbrot set, which blew up instantly. I named the article ‘A Single Equation that Rules the World’ and the title definitely played a role in attracting readers.

But the article got an average reading time of 4 minutes and 55 Seconds (nearly 5 minutes). So, it’s not just the title that made me money.

As you know, Medium pays based on the reading time of members. And the long reading time of about 5 minutes worked in my favour.


