How to Face the Unknown Challenge

Let’s get to it

Satrio Jagad
3 min readDec 20, 2022


Photo by Gabriel on Unsplash

Yesterday, a random person messaged me through Instagram asking about my difficulty in taking the digital marketing course.

Well, there is always obstacles in every path we are taking in. I mean like, everything.

I am not really an expert in giving advice to someone, so I just told him a little bit of my story and few tips to face the unknown challenge.

1. Build a Strong Foundation

strong foundation visualization
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

That is right. Build a strong foundation as our motivation to face up with the unknown challenge. Make it as both of our weapon and shield.

Back then, when I was taking the digital marketing course, I knew almost nothing. Paid full with my own savings. Not a small amount though.

Gained from my years of experience, sacrificing the time and effort. Thus, all those things made me motivated to get my money back by getting a job again, and graduated with a great score. Luckily, I achieved all the two of my goals. Now I am in a process to build up my savings again.

2. Will of Fire

strong will visualization
Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Just like anything else. Without a strong foundation and strong will, then the unknown will devour us. Such a real and terrifying scene.

One way before jumping in a new field or world, research is a must. That is also part of the strong will. Researching a new field that I will take part in this early year was my first step. Watching videos on YouTube. After some thoughts, then I decided to jump in. Taking a leap of faith as the people usually say.

During the process, I always remember why I am taking this path in the first place. That alone, kept me motivated. If we cannot overcome it, then we lose to the unknown.

3. Hope and Pray for the Best

hope visualization
Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

After all what we have done to face up the challenge, we need a moment to rest our mind and heart. Hard works had already done. Now it is time to give it a rest.

Take this time to analyze and evaluate ourselves. What we have done. What we have achieved. What are we about to take action for the next steps. Gratitude is the key.

Regroup with our hobbies. Hanging out with friends. Take a cup of coffee. Going on for trips. Playing games. Take them all as a refreshment.

The result, as for me, is clear. I got a new job in a new field, but that makes me kind of sad on the other hand. Being separated with my friends and family again, but that is okay. Still can visit them regularly though.

To all of you who are still struggling, keep going. That thing will shape you into a better person. For real.

Even if you fail, it is not a failure. I called it experience. Another weapon and shield to add into our arsenal to face another unknown challenge ahead.

Let’s connect and collaborate on my LinkedIn profile.
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Satrio Jagad

Name's Gad. Currently writing articles about life lessons, self-care, and poem in Medium for Illumination publisher.