How To Overcome Negative Thoughts?

Different Way to Become Positive.

Mike_Bhantz Biographies
2 min readAug 16, 2020


Photo By Andre Furtado at Pexel

Negative thoughts can affect your happiness. You could be happy one minute and the next, your mind is running off in the opposite direction. Don’t let negativity ruin your day. Here are six easy ways you can overcome negative thoughts:

You need to be self-aware for this tip to work. The moment you realize you’re thinking negatively, just imagine tapping yourself on the shoulder and telling yourself to take a deep breath and stop the negativity. Once you’ve gathered your thoughts, re-focus your attention on what’s at hand.

A lot of things that go on in your mind can be pretty irrational, but when negativity’s clouding your brain, it’s easy to overlook this fact. So, instead of taking your negative thought at face value, try breaking it down. You’ll see that it’s not going to be so bad, after all.

Sometimes you just need to air your thoughts and feelings out. Talk it over with your closest buddy and ask for their advice. Perhaps they’ll be able to offer better insight and give you some positive alternatives.

Clearing your head from time to time is important. When you feel like your negative thoughts are choking the life out of you, and telling yourself to stop thinking negatively isn’t working, then it’s time to go out for a run or a workout. Occupy yourself and get busy doing something else to take your mind off things.

Practicing gratitude is important. Keep a list of things you’re grateful for, both tangibles and non-tangibles. When you start feeling down and sorry for yourself, take a look at your list and remind yourself why you’re fortunate. Use this as motivation to continue with your day and your goals.

One of the best ways to free your mind from negative thoughts is by giving a bit of your time and attention to someone else. Do something nice for a family member or a friend or even a random stranger on the street. Make it a daily goal to make someone smile or happy, and you’ll forget you ever had negative thoughts to begin with!

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Thank You.

Originally published at on August 16, 2020.



Mike_Bhantz Biographies

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