Journey to ILLUMINATION: My Path to Writing with Purpose

From Aspiring Writer to ILLUMINATIONS Contributor: A Tale of Growth, Community, and Aspirations on Medium

Iftekar Shoeb
9 min readFeb 25, 2024


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In the quiet dawn of my 12th day as a member of the Medium Partner Program, I find myself reflecting on a journey that has been nothing short of transformative.

My mornings have taken on a new ritual; one where, after my prayers, I eagerly open my desktop to a world where my words have found a new home.

This isn’t just any home, but one nestled within the esteemed pages of ILLUMINATION, a publication led by the visionary Dr Mehmet Yildiz.

My path to this point was paved with a mixture of anticipation and reverence. Discovering ILLUMINATION felt akin to finding a beacon in the vast sea of content that is Medium.

The depth and diversity of the articles, underpinned by Dr. Yildiz’s insightful leadership, inspired me to take a leap of faith.

With every article I read, the possibility of contributing to this vibrant community seemed more like a calling than a mere opportunity.

The day I decided to apply to become a writer for ILLUMINATION marked a significant milestone in my writing career.

It was a decision fueled not just by the desire to share my stories with a broader audience but to be part of a movement that values diversity, authenticity, and collaboration.

The guidelines for application were my compass, leading me through the night as I prepared my submission with a hopeful heart.

The morning I received my acceptance email is etched in my memory, a moment of pure elation and validation.

It was a testament to the progress I had made, not just in my writing skills but in my journey towards finding my voice.

This acceptance was more than just an opportunity to publish; it was an invitation to join a family of writers committed to enlightening, inspiring, and engaging with the world in profound ways.

As I embark on this journey with ILLUMINATION, I am filled with gratitude for Dr. Yildiz’s faith in my potential.

This blog post is a reflection of my journey, the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the aspirations that light my path forward.

It is a tribute to the power of writing to connect us, to the importance of community in nurturing our growth, and to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.


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The discovery of ILLUMINATION was serendipitous, occurring during a routine exploration of Medium for engaging and insightful content. Stumbling upon an article under the ILLUMINATION banner felt like uncovering a treasure trove of knowledge and perspective.

Dr. Mehmet Yildiz’s writings, in particular, resonated with me on a profound level.

His ability to weave intricate details into compelling narratives was both inspiring and aspirational.

The more I read, the more I felt drawn to the idea of contributing to this publication.

It wasn’t just the quality of the content that appealed to me but the ethos of the publication itself. ILLUMINATION stood out as a beacon of diversity, inclusivity, and collaboration, values that deeply align with my own.

The decision to apply was fueled by a desire to be part of a community that not only values quality writing but also supports and uplifts its members.

Application Process

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The application process for ILLUMINATION felt like a rite of passage. Armed with insights from Dr. Yildiz’s article, “How To Become A Writer For ILLUMINATION,” I meticulously prepared my submission.

The article served as a comprehensive guide, outlining not just the technical requirements but also the ethos and expectations of the publication.

My application was a reflection of my commitment to these values and my aspiration to contribute meaningful content.

Submitting my application was a blend of nervous anticipation and hope. I had poured my heart into my writing, and the possibility of sharing it with a wider audience through ILLUMINATION was exhilarating.

The wait that followed was a test of patience, marked by daily rituals of checking my email for any news of acceptance.

Acceptance and First Publication

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The moment I received the acceptance email was transformative. It was an affirmation of my efforts and a gateway to an exciting new chapter in my writing career.

Publishing my first story in ILLUMINATION was a milestone. It represented not just the opportunity to reach a broader audience but to engage with a community of like-minded writers and readers.

The feeling of seeing my work published alongside those of established writers was indescribable. It was a mix of pride, gratitude, and a renewed sense of purpose.

My aspirations for my writing to make an impact, to touch lives, and to contribute to the rich tapestry of ILLUMINATION, seemed within reach.

Thanking Dr. Yildiz and the Community

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I am immensely grateful to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz for the opportunity to be part of the ILLUMINATION community. His leadership and vision have created a platform where writers can flourish, and diverse voices are celebrated.

My gratitude extends to the entire ILLUMINATION team and the community of writers and readers who make this publication a beacon of excellence on Medium.

This opportunity is not just a personal achievement but a testament to the power of community in nurturing and elevating writers.

I am committed to contributing my best work, learning from my peers, and supporting the values that make ILLUMINATION a remarkable publication.

Learning and Adapting

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Joining ILLUMINATION has been a learning journey. From the onboarding process to understanding the publication’s guidelines, every step has been an opportunity to grow.

The editorial guidelines provided a framework to refine my writing, ensuring it aligns with the publication’s standards for quality and integrity.

Adapting my writing to fit these standards while retaining my unique voice has been both challenging and rewarding. The feedback from editors and the community has been invaluable, helping me hone my craft further.

Engaging with fellow writers and readers on Medium has opened up new perspectives, enriching my writing and my understanding of the diverse topics covered by ILLUMINATION.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

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Every journey comes with its challenges, and mine was no exception. Navigating the expectations of a prestigious publication like ILLUMINATION requires a balance of creativity, discipline, and resilience.

The initial fear of not meeting the high standards was daunting. However, the supportive environment fostered by Dr. Yildiz and the community helped me overcome these fears.

The resources provided by ILLUMINATION, including the Slack workspace and editorial feedback, were instrumental in addressing these challenges.

Engaging with the community, sharing experiences, and receiving constructive feedback paved the way for continuous improvement and confidence in my writing.

Looking Ahead

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As I look to the future, my goals are twofold: to contribute content that resonates with and enriches the ILLUMINATION community and to continue growing as a writer. I am excited to explore new topics, engage with readers, and collaborate with fellow writers.

The journey with ILLUMINATION is not just about personal growth but about being part of a collective that uplifts and inspires.

In closing, my experience with ILLUMINATION has been transformative. It has not only provided a platform for my writing but has also immersed me in a community where growth, diversity, and collaboration are cherished.

I am eager to see where this journey takes me and how I can contribute to the legacy of ILLUMINATION on Medium.

Join me in this journey of exploration and growth on Medium. Share your own experiences, stories, and thoughts.

Let’s create a vibrant dialogue that enriches our community even further. Together, we can continue to inspire, connect, and support each other as writers and readers on this incredible platform.

Come along on this writing adventure with me!

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Thank You.



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.