Now It’s Time To Tip And Get Tipped On Medium

Medium is introducing all sorts of new features aimed at helping individual writers. Here’s one future key feature — a tip jar

Kristina God, MBA


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One thing is for sure, big upgrades will be happening on Medium.

Within the last past few months, Medium already seems to be introducing all sorts of new features aimed at helping individual writers.

Still, one key feature is missing yet.

To tip means ‘to give someone who has provided you with a service an extra amount of money to thank them.’ Cambridge Dictionary

In one of his latest posts, my friend Burk announced the following:

To show that I care, I will start giving out money to my favorite writers.

Buying a virtual coffee, for example.

I’ve done that in the past. I’ll do it again. Burk

That’s an awesome idea, isn’t it? I love to support other creators and thank them for their work.

First, let’s have a look at what exactly Burk means by ‘buying a virtual coffee’.

Keep on reading to get the answer and then let’s have a look what Medium has to over.

How you can tip other…



Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: