Struggling to Understand the Narcissist? Smug Silent Treatment or Are They Really Out?

How do you know if they’re really done with you?

Melissa Kalt, MD


Silhouette of woman standing near a window
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Trying to understand the narcissist mind and behavior is like trying to make sense of the senseless. In and of itself, it’s crazy making.

That said, while narcissists come in all different flavors, there are distinct similarities in their patterns of behavior that make them predictable.

A narcissist will abruptly end contact with you for one or more reasons.

  • To punish you
  • To deflect responsibility for their behavior
  • To get extra narcissistic supply from you
  • To pursue a new source of supply

Analyzing the pattern

If you live together and they haven’t moved out, it’s likely a silent treatment.

  • The narcissist may be punishing you for calling them out, asking them to change, or even being imperfect yourself. Their narcissistic injury is followed by narcissistic rage and now, consciously or subconsciously they are punishing you.
  • The narcissist may be deflecting or avoiding taking responsibility. Maybe they…



Melissa Kalt, MD

Leadership Catalyst/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.