The Single Most Powerful Word in the English Language

Rick Ornelas
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2022
Photo by Mike from Pexels

It seemed like it would be just another Saturday afternoon out on the lake with friends, but little did I know…

We had planned a day when everyone was in town, and their calendars were wide open. A day where we could relax, hang out on the boat, and enjoy one another. It began like many previous boating days did with us, packing a cooler, gathering snacks, and figuring out who would ride with who. My wife had to help with her friend’s child’s birthday party, so she asked if I could get a ride and meet her later. So I called my friend Kevin and asked if he could pick me up on the way to the boat dock, which of course, he agreed to.

He showed up promptly at 2 PM, and we loaded everything into his truck. We engaged in the usual catching up that accompanies time with a friend you haven’t seen in a while as we drove off. When we strayed from the route to the boat dock, he casually stated that we would pick up our other friend, Scott, on the way. I didn’t think much of it, and we continued on our way.

Scott was waiting outside when we pulled into his driveway. After a brief greeting, he asked me if I could head inside to help him carry the cooler out to the truck. I willingly obliged and followed him into the house. I could see the cooler on the ground just inside the kitchen door and was headed straight for it. I reached down to grab the handle, utterly unaware of my surroundings. And then it happened, “Surprise!” I was so startled I literally jumped back with my hands over my chest like a frightened little child.

Before me stood a large group of people, including my wife, daughters, family, and friends. Basically, everyone important to me in my life on that day. They were all there to celebrate my 50th birthday. Now the funny thing was that it wasn’t my actual birthday. It was over two weeks early, but my wife planned it that way to ensure that it would be a surprise. This was when everyone was in town to make the schedule work. Trust me, if you knew the schedules of the people I know, you would understand this small feat.

You see, the ability to capture that moment where we could all be together to eat, drink, laugh, and celebrate was an extraordinary moment in time. Not just for me but for everyone there because it was time we could all be together to share stories, make memories, and enjoy one another’s love.

For this reason, I am here to tell you that time is the most valuable word in the English language. It’s not communication, trust, or even love. It’s time. Because without time, none of the others can work their magic. Yes, these are all important and valuable in their own right, and all don’t fall far behind in the pecking order. If you’re wondering where some other words are ranked, check out my other articles on the English language’s five, four, three, and two most powerful words.

I’ll have to admit, I struggled with writing this piece for a bit. First, because I wasn’t sure which word would win out. I was very close to going with communication because I feel that this, along with trust, is the foundation of all relationships. Communication is critical to our survival as a species and always has been. But the more you break it down to the core, the more you analyze it; time will always win.

I mean, how can you have a conversation with a friend, send a text, or even smile at someone to communicate if you aren’t taking the time to do so?

Second, I just couldn’t find the time to write this darn article. It took nearly a year to the day of the original surprise party to publish this piece. I was wrapped up with coaching clients, then the holidays, and then launching the I Spark Change Podcast, so I never got around to writing. It all amounted to a bunch of procrastination, really. Excuse after excuse that there was something more important I needed to do. I simply wasn’t prioritizing my time.

Prioritization is a key component of time management. It’s actually what most people struggle with when it comes to ‘finding time”.

The truth is, we all have enough time to get what we need to get done, to spend with loved ones, and have a fulfilled life.

We don’t always do a good job of making those things happen.

That was how I lived most of my life. I would go from one thing to another and feel like I never had enough time. I was always in a hurry. Always rushing from one task to the next and letting the years fly by. The reality was that I had the time. I just wasn’t using it in the best ways possible. I know that now and place time at the top as my most valuable commodity.

Turning 50 has a way of doing that do you. It’s a great wake-up call, as are all those mornings where you don’t hop out of bed the way you did at 30. Body aches aside, reaching this milestone brings with it a sort of wisdom from years of experience under your belt. No matter who you are, you are a collection of your life’s experiences. We all are, and it’s time that makes those experiences possible. That’s why it’s so crucial to be present in each moment and value all experiences because you never know when the end will come. This is why I choose to live each day as if it were my last. Wisdom I gained after a near-fatal car accident many years ago. But that’s a story for another time.

My fiftieth birthday party was a ton of fun, with plenty of memories created throughout the day and well into the night. I don’t know what will happen on my next birthday, but I know that I’ll enjoy every minute of it, whatever it is.

So, do you agree with me or disagree that time is the single most valuable word in the English language? Whatever you believe, I just hope you take the time to leave a comment and let me know.



Rick Ornelas

Bestselling author — Ultimate Success Coach — Founder I Spark Change. I help entrepreneurs eliminate the roadblocks preventing their success so they level up.