Diksha Prashar
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023

Know your worth….

You Are More Than Enough By Diksha Prashar (Edited in CANVA)

These words had been sitting with me for so long now. Yet I couldn’t comprehend how to write them. Should I be too honest yet completely naked in my perspective or be diplomatic not to hurt anybody? Nevertheless, we are enough.

Though, are we believing what social media writers tell us, or do we really, honestly believe in ourselves?

I conquer if I or you believe that we are enough there wouldn’t be any issues, right? No, need to attend therapies or write about the sentimental emotions brewing in us like a tornado. Or, narrate these big monologues about how to cater to your emotional fest inside you.

Alas! The truth is, we are not.

That’s why we rely on others to make us feel validated. Their opinion is what matters because as humans said to be social animals we need that authentication stamp from others, to prove our worth. However, do we need that?

As social yet anti-social creatures we fell short, we can master anything yet not. We can be strong but emotional; reliable yet clumsy, and lost yet found. It’s simple who we are, we are. Validation should always come from our own words, and our thoughts, and not from someone else.

As humans, as us, we can be so much and at the same time nothing. And my dear friend that can be enough. Our enough.

Only if we are well aware of the fact that no matter what, no matter where you and I are. We are just enough to complete our silly selves. who wants to ride high on social rankings when you can spend your night writing something to inspire someone or just gaze at stars and moonlet them guide you to your enough?

Stop believing what others want you to believe, squeeze your life essence, color your palette with as many colors as you can muster sketch your enough with shades you want.

You are enough, breathe that; believe that.

But, define your own enough.


Hope you liked my words.❤

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