You’re Weirdly Attracted to an Aquarius?

Here’s How to Make Them Swoon

Ana Klikovac
6 min readJan 20, 2024


Sweet creature, wherever I go, you bring me home…

© Image created with Canva

Hello, hello darling Aquarians! Welcome to your season and this very special article dedicated to your beautiful souls. Aquarius is one of my favorite signs because a lot of my family members are Aquarians, as well as my male best friend.

Now, you might think this fact makes me biased, but it doesn’t. As much as I love them and gel with them and see the beauty in all that they bring to the world, I am also able to see the darker side to them, because all signs have their positive and negative traits. That’s just the way it is.

With that being said, Aquarius is a wonderful sign and it is my absolute pleasure to tell you all about it and teach you how to get one for yourself!


Aquarius is the third and final Air sign. The other two Air signs are Gemini and Libra. Aquarius is a Fixed sign, ruled by the planet Uranus and symbolized by the water bearer. Aquarius’ most dominant quality is their altruistic nature. They have a real desire to help humanity.

Aquarians are typically reclusive, hermit-like people, but they aren’t exactly shy. They stand firm in their beliefs and know how to fight for what’s right and make their voices be heard. Political matters is the area of life where they really shine.

Photo: Edmond Dantès via Pexels

Aquarians are usually kind-hearted people, willing to help to help those in need without being asked. They may seem a bit cold at first blush, but once you get to know them you’ll understand there’s a huge heart hiding behind that icy exterior. They are great friends, partners, siblings, colleagues…you name it.

However, Aquarians are also major rule-breakers. They are known for having a firm dislike for social systems and love stepping outside its limits and living the lives that some people might consider unorthodox. Aquarius natives simply cannot stand authority, because they prefer marching to the beat of their drum.

In terms of their physical appearance, Aquarians are slim fairly tall, and lanky. Their facial features are small. They have bright, lively, and expressive eyes. Aquarius people can have prominent foreheads due to their high intellect.


Aquarians are naturally curious people interested in everything under the sun. Nothing is too weird or too gory to an Aquarius. They will most likely be into the taboo side of life and step where most of us won’t.

People born under this sign have a passion for learning, as do all Air signs. However, Aquarius tends to learn not only to entertain and better oneself but also to better their environment. They are always asking themselves: “How can I implement this into the real world?”

Photo: Ariel Paredes via Pexels

Although Aquarius natives aren’t necessarily considered to be the most social people, I believe they are simply selectively social. They have their circle of friends that they stick to and hang out with when they feel like it because that is what makes them the most comfortable. Aquarians are usually introverted and pretty socially awkward people who find it challenging to open up to others, hence why having a few close friends is crucial for their well-being.

They may not be fans of huge social gatherings, but they will most likely want to participate in social events, especially if they are for a good cause. It wouldn’t be uncommon to see an Aquarius spend their free time fighting for justice volunteering at their local shelter or advocating for some kind of a noble cause.


Being in a relationship with an Aquarius can be a lot of fun. They certainly have the wildest and the most spontaneous ideas, so you’ll never be bored. They are excellent debate partners, too. You can talk to them about anything and a lot of cool facts.

Now, because they are Fixed signs, their stubbornness can cause issues. Even though they are pretty open and free people, they are still the kind of people to stick to their beliefs. It can be nearly impossible to change their mind or their habits.

Photo: Sergey Romanenko via Pexels

Another thing to watch out for is their potential additions, mood swings, and depressive episodes. A lot of signs have a dark side, but it’s different with Aquarians because they feel very alienated from the rest of society. They are constantly trying to escape reality in one way or another. Granted, most of them resort to healthy forms of escapism, but some of them fall into the traps of addiction, so that is something to look out for.

Their mood swings and depressive episodes are often the result of their innate humanitarianism and their overwhelming need to make a world a better place. What tends to happen is they’ll see the state of the world an realize how little they’re able to change and start to feel low and become increasingly dispirited.

All in all, they’re much harder on themselves than they are on the people around them, especially their partner. You’ll be surprised by how sweet and loving they are. Nobody really expects that from them because they seem very cold and distant, but they are literally the biggest sweethearts out there and that side of them doesn’t get nearly enough credit.


Sex with an Aquarius can be pretty wild. Even though they aren’t the most sexual or the most passionate sign, they still find plenty of enjoyment in the physical act because they see it as a perfect opportunity to express their creativity and kinkiness.

Yes, Aquarians can be pretty kinky. They are known to have niche fetishes and speak about them proudly, so they will most likely be looking for a partner who will love to participate in their kinks and fetishes with them.

Photo: Kitsune99 via Pexels

However, they will completely understand if their sexual preferences do not float your boat and they will be fine with it because sex isn’t their top priority. Some of them can even choose to be in non-sexual relationships or have multiple partners, some sexual and some only romantic.

All in all, they see sex as a fun little addition to their daily lives, but not something compulsory or expected. They indulge in it from time to time and when they do, they bring their A-game and have the best and the kinkiest time.

Tips on dating an Aquarius

If you think Aquarius is the one for you, there are a couple of things you need to know. Be authentic, compassionate, and open. An Aquarius won’t be impressed by traditionalism or fakeness.

They love people who are unapologetically themselves, people who are lively and passionate, people who bring something new and exciting to the table, but most of all they seek people with whom they can talk deeply about anything.

Photo: Sergey Romanenko via Pexels

It can be hard for an Aquarius to open up, hence why they will seek a partner who will make them feel comfortable to talk about even the most uncomfortable topics, and open their heart and share their feelings. That’s another area that they struggle with. They have feelings, but it can be difficult for them to express them and put words to their emotions.

If you want to love an Aquarius, be loving, caring and genuine. Be optimistic, because that is what an Aquarius needs, as they are not naturally positive. They will greatly appreciate having somebody who is bubbly and energetic and somebody they can just have fun with.

Have you ever dated an Aquarius? What has your experience been like?



Ana Klikovac

Curious soul, exploring the world through written creation | Instagram: @kannchywrites & @kannchy96 | Email: