Integrating Google’s Gemini AI in my Workflow

How I Use Google’s Gemini for Productivity and Writing

3 min readJul 7, 2024


After my last About Me, I realized that I’ve never really shown you my AI/tech workflow, because I write online on Medium and I need a workflow to optimize everything. I haven’t made a complete workflow post yet (I’ll link it if I ever make it), but I’ve decided to show you my AI workflow. I use Gemini because of three reasons:

  1. I Hate OpenAI: They have a great AI, but they do have too many problems. While I don’t mind ChatGPT integrated apps or workflows, I do think that Gemini is probably the better AI of the two.
  2. Better Ecosystem: This is a cliche excuse, but Google does have a better ecosystem. Since I mainly work with Google Docs and Sheets, as well as all my school assignments in Google Drive and Classroom, Gemini is better integrated for me.
  3. It Actually Has Good Ideas: I’m not saying ChatGPT is not innovative. It’s ideas to make a GPT store, a human sounding AI assistant, and everything else is cool. But Gemini, because of its integrations, it’s better at its ideas. It has a good UI, a good voice assistant, better free features, and everything else in between.
Photo by Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash

Every heading I put has its own chat just for it in Gemini. I don’t know if people realize this, but AI uses conversations that happened before in the chats to better its future responses, which is why I love these chat sections.

Writing Research

I use Gemini for a lot of writing research. It is great in providing research articles, with links, AND with a description, so I don’t have to find it by myself, and I can just do a skim through the paper. It’s also great for SEO titles. Medium is fantastic for promoting stories only because of its, well, story, but you can’t deny that headlines and images do have a role in views and reads. I myself think of three titles for each post, paste them in Gemini, and ask it to find the most SEO-optimized one. It provides reasons, so I can learn to make better titles, and tips to make subtle tweaks.

I use it to generate articles. Lemme just quickly assure you that this article is not written by AI, but as an AI chatbot, I can not respond to this prompt (just kidding). But this helps me overcome writer’s block so that I can get better ways to outline my post. It also gives me good ideas to research so I can include them in my articles. I never use the AI-generated posts because they’re AI-generated. It’s bland and not me. ‘

Find the most SEO optimized title out of the three: xyz, xyz, xyz.

Find 10 research papers relating to x, and include the URLs and descriptions.

Generate an article about x.


The thing is, I save a lot of the content I come across. This makes sure I don’t run out of ideas for me to write about, but the thing is, just the link and the title being saved are not enough for me to remember what the video/article was about. I don’t want to waste time (that could be used to procrastinate), so what I do is, I spend somewhere between 5–15 minutes every Sunday posting YouTube links in Gemini and asking it to summarize what’s in it. This way I can just copy and paste it into my note-taking app, and I always have ideas stored.

Summarize this @YouTube video in bullet points: link

Note: Google’s integrations let you use @ symbols to connect more easily, which is why I use the AI one.


This is exactly the same as it sounds like. It’s a chat just for school-related things. Usually, if I have a problem I need some sort of help with, (like Physics), I just ask it to explain. I very rarely ask it for answers. It’s also great for providing explanations for topics. This is pretty self-explanatory, so I’m not going to touch on it that much.

That’s it. That is my AI Gemini workflow setup. I’m glad if you’ve learned anything from this, so clap, comment or leave a follow if you can. No pressure (:




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