Go to Imogene’s Notebook
Imogene’s Notebook
Imogene publishes short fiction and poetry.
Note from the editor

Imogene’s Notebook is Medium’s pub for fine poetry, fiction, and micro fiction.

Go to the profile of Debra G. Harman, MEd.
Publisher-in-chief of parasol
Debra G. Harman, MEd.
Boost Nominator | Publisher | Writer | Editor --Welcome to my world! I came to Medium as a writer, and things got bigger fast. Parasol Publications.
Go to the profile of Jojo Teckina
Senior editor
Jojo Teckina
I’m a wife, a mom, an artist, a writer and a hopeless optimist in the face of terrible odds. I believe in love, goodness and a future where we can all have joy.
Go to the profile of Kim Kelly Stamp
senior editor
Kim Kelly Stamp
Writer. Publisher. Editor. Essayist. Espresso Enthusiast. LGBTQ+. PNW Native. Traveler. Gigi Extraordinaire. Pieces in: NYT, HuffPost, Next Avenue & elsewhere.
Go to the profile of Sieran Lane
BNPP Editor
Sieran Lane
A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect! https://the-transgender-therapist.ck.page/fiction-writing
Go to the profile of Judy Walker
Senior editor
Judy Walker
Curiosity led. Relationship fed. Writing about the gritty, lovely, naughty, and joyful bits of humanhood. jituska.jw@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com
Go to the profile of Christine Schoenwald
Christine Schoenwald
Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango Christineschoenwaldwriter.com
Go to the profile of Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly
MEMBER SINCE FEB 2021. Spirituality and poetry are my passions by night, and I'm a content writer under daylight. I'm a boost nominator at Write Under the Moon
Go to the profile of Debra Urbacz
Debra Urbacz
A freethinking, treehugging child of the 70s - writing - creating - connecting - community building - looking for magic in everyday things and places.
Go to the profile of Natalie Gasper
Natalie Gasper
Writer I Poet I Reader I Daydreamer I My poetry is in dozens of journals. When I’m not writing books, I’m writing about writing. Twitter @NatalieGasper
Go to the profile of MaryClare StFrancis, M.A.
MaryClare StFrancis, M.A.
I write memoir, nonfiction essays, and poetry
Go to the profile of Jojo Teckina
Senior editor
Jojo Teckina
I’m a wife, a mom, an artist, a writer and a hopeless optimist in the face of terrible odds. I believe in love, goodness and a future where we can all have joy.
Go to the profile of Conni Walkup Hull
Conni Walkup Hull
Lawyer/writer. I write essays, memoir, poetry, and tales about my never-dull-life with a handsome Sailor. Experienced editor. Fun to hang out with.
Go to the profile of Chevie Hanssler
Chevie Hanssler
Child of the 70s. Lover of nostalgia. Former newspaper editor. I write memoir and personal essays.
Go to the profile of Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts https://vidyasury.com
Go to the profile of Christine Schoenwald
Christine Schoenwald
Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango Christineschoenwaldwriter.com
Go to the profile of Randall Snyder
Randall Snyder
Standing on a cliff’s edge of mind and mountain, I write what I see, what I think, what I can.
Go to the profile of ✅ Lori Atwood Ferrari ✅
✅ Lori Atwood Ferrari ✅
My poems (read recently in Nepal) support struggling students & artists whose works, in turn, promote global perspective and compassion.
Go to the profile of Merr Gumm
Merr Gumm
I enjoy writing about beach and farm life, religion, human rights, and the unusual. Primarily fiction and poetry.
Go to the profile of Jennifer Fox, M.Ed., Ed.S.
Jennifer Fox, M.Ed., Ed.S.
Writer of topics from everyday life inspiration. My home is in Forsyth County, Georgia and my roots are in the Canal Zone, Panama. 20+ years as an educator.
Go to the profile of Toya Qualls-Barnette
Toya Qualls-Barnette
*Top writer in This Happened To Me| Writing about the impact of relationships|Contributor to Chicken Soup for the Soul| Dreamer|Mother|HSP in drag
Go to the profile of Arthur Rosch
Arthur Rosch
I speak Jazz. Earlier in my life I wrecked with opioids and crack, but I survived. Musician, writer, photographer, poet and Rumi fan.
Go to the profile of Sally Prag
Sally Prag
Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.
Go to the profile of Erie Astin
Erie Astin
Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Romanelli
Rebecca Romanelli
Heart Navigator-Forever Untamed-Inner Child Never Left-Global Citizen-who can’t go a day without Nature.
Go to the profile of Sana Sparks
Sana Sparks
An elder who creates magic, tells true stories, throws open the mind. understands dreams, sings wordless songs, and knows the gift of memory.
Go to the profile of Nevena Pascaleva
Nevena Pascaleva
A writer of evocative fiction and introspective personal essays.
Go to the profile of Linda J Kohler
Linda J Kohler
Writer living on Kaurna land. She/her. Likes cacao. Talks to birds.
Go to the profile of Annie Forbes Cooper
Annie Forbes Cooper
Transplanted Scot, former journalist, trying to find the meaning of life through storytelling. I write as if I were dying.
Go to the profile of Amara Khalid
Go to the profile of Jenny Lane
Jenny Lane
An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.
Go to the profile of Lucinda Munro Cook
Lucinda Munro Cook
Story-teller. Transnational. LGBTQ. Mobius Crochet . Editor A-Culturated https://medium.com/a-culturated, A-Neka Indonesia https://medium.com/a-neka-indonesia
Go to the profile of Harry Hogg
Harry Hogg
Ex Greenpeace, writing since a teenager. Will be writing ‘Lori Tales’ exclusively for JK Talla Publishing in the Spring of 2024
Go to the profile of Anna Miller
Anna Miller
Writing things I can't talk about
Go to the profile of Amanda Weir-Gertzog
Amanda Weir-Gertzog
word forager 💜 editor for Write Under the Moon and bookish nook 🌈
Go to the profile of Roman Newell
Roman Newell
Busy working on my novel, 20XX. I also talk about the writing journey on Substack. romannewell.substack.com.
Go to the profile of JF Danskin
JF Danskin
Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.
Go to the profile of Jacinta Palmer🍂
Jacinta Palmer🍂
*Does not Follow for Follow* Writing the kind of Fiction I love 2 Read | YA | Magical | Romance | Supernatural | Freelance Editor | Besotted with dogs
Go to the profile of Shereen Bingham
Shereen Bingham
Communication Ph.D., venturing out from success as a scholarly writer to explore terrains of creative nonfiction, poetry, and fictional short stories.
Go to the profile of Brian S. Hook
Brian S. Hook
Dad, classicist, mountain dweller, erstwhile triathlete, wannabe woodworker, follower of Socrates and Jesus (two famous non-writers), writing to avoid raveling
Go to the profile of H.R. Parker
H.R. Parker
Editor for The Kraken Lore and The Fiction Writer’s Den. Co-host of Brewing Fiction Podcast. Fiction author and poet. Give me taters or give me death.
Go to the profile of Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly
MEMBER SINCE FEB 2021. Spirituality and poetry are my passions by night, and I'm a content writer under daylight. I'm a boost nominator at Write Under the Moon
Go to the profile of Chris Yanda
Chris Yanda
I am sometimes hilarious. Originally from Canada, I now live in the UK. I planted trees in Canada. I worked in digital in the UK. I now write about stuff.
Go to the profile of Darrel Boyd
Darrel Boyd
Just a forever fledgling writer trying to make sense of the world.
Go to the profile of Cecile Gerwel Proches
Cecile Gerwel Proches
Social scientist, 'geriatric millennial', inspired by nature, poetry
Go to the profile of Calloway Song
Calloway Song
I know magic—joking, or not. callowaysong.com
Go to the profile of Tara Zoë Roshe
Tara Zoë Roshe
Tara Zoe Roshe is a disabled woman and bipolar survivor who writes nonfiction and poetry. She lives in New Jersey.
Go to the profile of Anna West
Anna West
Traveller. Tea drinker.. Dreamer. Cook. Currently based in London determined to finish my first piece of creative non-fiction, In the Garden of Dark Flowers.
Go to the profile of Camilla Seth
Camilla Seth
“The greatest successes, come from having the freedom to fail.”
Go to the profile of Mirra Esmael
Mirra Esmael
I’m a storyteller who is passionate about words, books, sunset, vintage, and coffees, here to transform her messy thoughts into decent art.
Go to the profile of ✨ Bridget Webber
✨ Bridget Webber
Former counselor. Spiritual growth, compassion, mindfulness, creativity, and psychology. Support me at https://ko-fi.com/bridgetwebber
Go to the profile of Nolcha Fox
Nolcha Fox
Addicted to writing because I can't do math. Entropy editor. https://bit.ly/3bT9tYu
Go to the profile of Nate Lost
Nate Lost
I'm an American living in Mexico City. Also a poet, basketball player, and a fan of the fungi. Occasional cultural critic.
Go to the profile of Oscar Rhea
Oscar Rhea
Mother of three. Medal of Honor Recipient. Heart Surgeon at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. Liar.
Go to the profile of Alistair J. Kraft
Alistair J. Kraft
Poet, writer, pet parent, goth, unrepentant 90s kid and unabashed geek
Go to the profile of Blaire Boston
Blaire Boston
Blaire Boston is a short story writer working on her first novel. She is a graphic designer living on the East Coast. 🖊️BIPOC author
Go to the profile of Boots Davidovitch
Boots Davidovitch
In a world that often says "No," perhaps "Yes" is the most revolutionary idea.
Go to the profile of Nina Sklansky
Nina Sklansky
Recovered advertising writer who prefers truth-telling.
Go to the profile of Judy Walker
Senior editor
Judy Walker
Curiosity led. Relationship fed. Writing about the gritty, lovely, naughty, and joyful bits of humanhood. jituska.jw@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Caroline Mellor
Caroline Mellor
Mother, writer, creature in awe. Top writer in poetry and climate change www.carolinemellorwriter.com @_carolinemellor_
Go to the profile of Ann Marie Steele
Ann Marie Steele
I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.
Go to the profile of Hannah Andrews
Hannah Andrews
I'm an aging GenX Baby Scoop Era adoptee, and that's mostly what I write about. My life is a tragi-comedy.
Go to the profile of Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild, M.A.
Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild, M.A.
Exploring identity & culture thru the jaded lens of a biracial sea hag, I pen memoir, personal narrative, & genealogy as a means of survival & recovery.
Go to the profile of Barbara Leonhard
Barbara Leonhard
Author Three-Penny Memories: A Poetic Memoir (Experiments in Fiction, 2022), which is on Amazon. Also, Editor for MasticadoresUSA, a lit mag on Wordpress.
Go to the profile of Connie Song
Connie Song
Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Editor of Purple Ink | Coffee Fanatic | Twitter Connie Song 10.
Go to the profile of Javier OA
Go to the profile of Elle Becker
Elle Becker
I pull words from my brain, and I spit them out here. I love all dogs, good books, cheese, and nice humans, in that order. I'm a Rare Bird - ask me about that.
Go to the profile of Sarah Lynn Terzo
Sarah Lynn Terzo
Sarah Lynn Terzo is a journalist, author, and award-winning poet. Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and magazines.
Go to the profile of Melody Mann
Melody Mann
Poetically encapsulating memories and moments into literary permanence. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mmann
Go to the profile of Agnes
Slow runner, fast walker. I have dreamed in different languages. I read a lot. Yes, my curls are real.
Go to the profile of Todd Deery
Todd Deery
Communicator, educator, writer, AU Mag editor, WEGL dj, lover of outdoors, music & reading. Find my radio show @illiteratejukebox on IG and FB.
Go to the profile of Nicholas Barron
Nicholas Barron
Self-employed consultant and creative writer. Get a list of the week's hottest new books every Tuesday 👉 https://literairyland.beehiiv.com/subscribe | 🏳️‍🌈
Go to the profile of pockett dessert
pockett dessert
🧿 writer‿.➶ ° *➴ artist ‿.➶ ° *➴ photographer ‿.➶ ° *➴ certified reiki master | Editor for Write Under the Moon and heart trails pub
Go to the profile of Catherine Oceano
Catherine Oceano
old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.
Go to the profile of Anushree Bose
Anushree Bose
Scientist | Wordsmith | Dreamer | Artist
Go to the profile of Breathe & Be Still
Breathe & Be Still
I write poetry, therefore I become
Go to the profile of Vadim Dambreville
Vadim Dambreville
Multifaceted storyteller, explorer of life's depths. From diverse experiences, I craft inspiring narratives. Join my journey!
Go to the profile of Runa Heilung 🌻
Runa Heilung 🌻
Old Soul Alchemist. Shapeshifter. I use imagery and imagination as agents of transformation. Owner of pubs: Word Herding, Old Soul Alchemy, and Read Write Love
Go to the profile of Rachel Anderson Lee
Rachel Anderson Lee
Reality Escapologist. I easily disappear into a great story and unlock new worlds with words alone.
Go to the profile of Debra Urbacz
Debra Urbacz
A freethinking, treehugging child of the 70s - writing - creating - connecting - community building - looking for magic in everyday things and places.
Go to the profile of KiKi Walter
KiKi Walter
AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & co-publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, Dear KiKi, QuickTalk, The Mayhem, Songstories, and more.
Go to the profile of Joel Elliot
Joel Elliot
Born in Chicago, loving life in New York's Finger Lakes, advising nonprofit organizations. Dedicated to stories and storytelling.
Go to the profile of Lola Rosario
Lola Rosario
Poet & Journalist 🇵🇷. Prefer being barefoot. https://lolaslines.com
Go to the profile of David Baumrind
David Baumrind
Writer and single father, passionate about sharing my healing journey. Follow me at Facebook.com/davidbaumrindwriter or Instagram.com/davidbaumrindwriter.
Go to the profile of Darren Weir
Darren Weir
I write about Travel, Photography, Music - Parasol Publications Editor - Publisher of Travel Memoirs - TV News Producer (retired)
Go to the profile of J. Avery Stewart
J. Avery Stewart
Storyteller, seed-sower, sharing fun, faith, family, and foolishness
Go to the profile of Charles Source
Charles Source
Many of my poems reflect my "wanderer" lifestyle. Thanks for reading, etc.
Go to the profile of Ellen Eastwood
Ellen Eastwood
Culture and lifestyle writer | Generalist | Curious | Witty on a good day | Contact: elleneastwood@outlook.com
Go to the profile of Ken Martin
Ken Martin
A writer in the High Country.
Go to the profile of Erika Burkhalter
Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)
Go to the profile of Candy Kennedy
Candy Kennedy
Editor, Deep. Sweet. Valuable. On a quest to discover happiness and fulfillment after loss.
Go to the profile of Mad Midori
Mad Midori
Ph.D. holder, geek and ex-corporate turned start-up co-founder. Surfer, van traveler, cat lover with punk roots. Top writer in music, culture, poetry.
Go to the profile of Ben Human
Go to the profile of Karen Schwartz
Karen Schwartz
Children's picture book author, fiction writer, personal essayist, kindness specialist, and lover of chocolate.
Go to the profile of Madhu
Dreaming of a million lives and hoping to bump into every one of them with the help of some words.
Go to the profile of inthewaves
Single mom of a baby sun.💙 Self-reflective, rational, and emotional human. Thirty-something. Scientist. Founder and Editor of MicroBoosted and Picked for you.
Go to the profile of Christine Morris Ph.D.
Christine Morris Ph.D.
A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness. ko-fi.com/SharingWords.
Go to the profile of Anwar Hahj Jefferson-George
Anwar Hahj Jefferson-George
Witch specializing in Crafts like: guts, arts, sand, dreadlocks, roots, culture, and vegetables.
Go to the profile of Carolina Smith
Carolina Smith
I write for those on an awakening journey seeking to find their true selves. Topics: Poetry, Spirituality & Self-Improvement. IG: @carolina_smith_author
Go to the profile of Patrick Metzger
Patrick Metzger
Dilettante, smartass, apocalypticist. ***See “Lists” for stories by genre.***
Go to the profile of Michelle Lovett, LCSW, E-RYT
Michelle Lovett, LCSW, E-RYT
I believe in Coffee, Miracles, Humans & Divine. I trust in rhythm, beating hearts/open & breath/deep. Trees are my favorite color & words my favorite toy.
Go to the profile of Meg Vardy
Meg Vardy
The Doctor | The Patient | The Researcher | The Dreamer | Dancing In Shadow | Always With A Smile.
Go to the profile of LaShell Tinder
LaShell Tinder
Exploring avocation as a writer after spending nearly 30 years as career expatriate and professional in global mobility. Insta @patacaliente1963/
Go to the profile of Alan Campbell
Alan Campbell
A story teller. I created images for others for years. I am finally opening my creativity on the flat plane. Join me. Curious what you'll find in my words.
Go to the profile of Amy Sea
Amy Sea
100 X Top Writer, Editor— MuddyUm Editor, Breast Stories Editor-in-Chief — Comedian, Satirist, Humorist, Top Writer. Publisher of Breast Stories.
Go to the profile of Z-Louise
‘Variety is the spice of life’ Lover of quotes and quiet time! Please feel free to support my writing here https://zoe-eccles.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Simply Sophia
Simply Sophia
Author, Artist, Attorney, Advocate, and other things that start with A. Sophia is a shapeshifting gender creative.
Go to the profile of Joy Arnett
Go to the profile of Patience Stewart
Patience Stewart
Perpetual learner, perennial traveler. UX Designer currently based out of Finland. Usually operating off only a vague idea of what I'm doing.
Go to the profile of Aurelia Brown
Aurelia Brown
I am Aurelia Brown work for Mallard Solutions, For more Visit: www.foldingtablesandchairswarehouse.com
Go to the profile of Louise Foerster
Louise Foerster
Writes "A snapshot in time we can all relate to - with a twist." Novelist, marketer, business story teller, new product imaginer…
Go to the profile of Derek Reinhard
Derek Reinhard
Writes quirky life, productivity, and relationship stuff (uses the Oxford comma). Author of 3 books on GTD and a couple coloring books.
Go to the profile of Lindsay Grant
Lindsay Grant
Lindsay started writing poetry at the age of 12. She has published a book, "Broken Pieces of Me" which can be found on Amazon.
Go to the profile of Jennifer Marla Pike
Jennifer Marla Pike
I'm here to support writers, and share my writing as well. I hope to improve myself and make some creative friends.
Go to the profile of L.L. Kirchner
L.L. Kirchner
I write entertaining stories that sneak up on you. Florida Girls, my new novel, comes out May 28! Stay abreast of it all at IllBehavedWomen.com.
Go to the profile of K.M. Fullerton
K.M. Fullerton
An educator and juvenile justice advocate writing about life, love, justice, environment, and greening my grandchildren for a future I'll never see.
Go to the profile of Bob Metivier - poet, singer/songwriter, composer
Bob Metivier - poet, singer/songwriter, composer
Singer/songwriter writing a verse a day, finding a voice in the noise. Medium Top Writer [Poetry] Support my Voice: https://bobmetivier.com/membership
Go to the profile of Sarah TC
Sarah TC
I am a queer, neurodivergent mental health nurse, academic and PhD student. I write about the things that matter to me and my community.
Go to the profile of Gill McCulloch
Gill McCulloch
I write about first aid, subjects that move me deeply and situations that make me laugh. Founder, Safe + Sound First Aid Training Ltd. gillnmcculloch@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Sтepн Tнoмpѕoɴ
Sтepн Tнoмpѕoɴ
Mom of 4 | Award-Winning Romance Writer | Poetess | Dragon Tamer | Runner for the Joy | Savorer of Coffee Moments |✨ mybook.to/woven ✨ linktr.ee/stephthmpsn
Go to the profile of PJ Jackelman
PJ Jackelman
In love with writing about monsters — the human variety. Turning ‘finding my voice’ into a lifestyle.
Go to the profile of Midnight Young
Midnight Young
Baltic soul, British heart, living under American skies. I explore the multicultural identity, but don't shy away from fantasy and mazes of real life.
Go to the profile of Turi Sue
Turi Sue
I value originality: sacred respites from the mundane & conformity. Steward of weathered souls of shoes /https://www.instagram.com/su.turi_art/
Go to the profile of Kate Brennan
Kate Brennan
More Humor. More Humanity. Avid Reader. Idea-Generator. Opportunity Matchmaker. The answer to “Did you make that?” is “Yes.” morehumormorehumanity@substack.com
Go to the profile of Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.
Go to the profile of David Gabe Friend M.Ed.
David Gabe Friend M.Ed.
Originally from the New Orleans area, I have lived all across the United States. Currently I am living in Latin America, Costa Rica.
Go to the profile of Karen Kenny
Karen Kenny
From New York, residing in Paris. Using minimum amount of words to tell a story or poem.
Go to the profile of Martin Reaves
Martin Reaves
A writer and musician. Six decades in and still trying to figure it out. Join me, won't you? https://www.amazon.com/stores/Martin-Reaves/author/B005DI98LG
Go to the profile of Juliette Roanoke, RN
Juliette Roanoke, RN
Hospice Nurse | Mental Health Advocate | Social justice seeker | Silver lining finder | Domestic violence escapee | Surprisingly fast runner
Go to the profile of Ani Vals
Ani Vals
English teacher| writer| poet| passionate about creative writing, books, travelling, art, relationships, parenting, psychology and expressing personal insights.
Go to the profile of Michael T Corjulo
Go to the profile of Mallory Elizabeth Baskin
Mallory Elizabeth Baskin
Trying to get good at this writing thing. Talking about being gay, education, religion, getting better, and making life worth living.
Go to the profile of Amalia Cotovan
Amalia Cotovan
English literature/Creative Writing student | Fiction Writer, Poet
Go to the profile of Maricela Lara
Maricela Lara
Learning to write and have fun while doing so. I hope you'll find my stories entertaining!
Go to the profile of Ryan Hecker
Ryan Hecker
The thoughts have to go somewhere, don't they...
Go to the profile of Sue Banerji
Sue Banerji
"Be kind. You never know where n how will you end up." Me . A healthcare professional believing that readers n writers have a symbiotic relationship!
Go to the profile of Dave Logan
Dave Logan
Independent Bookstore Manager, Book Nerd, Storyteller, Mental Health Advocate. Writer & Editor @ Write Under the Moon.
Go to the profile of Tree Langdon
Tree Langdon
I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Eaffanato
EAffanato lives in Asheville, NC where she is a mother, a poet, a professor, and an editor.
Go to the profile of Shrean Rafiq
Shrean Rafiq
Hi, I'm Shrean. I write short fiction, dabble in sciences, draw a little, sometimes. You might have previously known me as Shuckle.
Go to the profile of Mary Kontouri
Mary Kontouri
Ex Marketing Executive, currently a seasonal worker, in Santorini Isl. I love painting and writing. My curiosity strives for knowledge and wisdom.
Go to the profile of Crystalclearcandace
Writer, poet, gardener, life-long learner, warrior for children, lover of faerie, freedom, and joy. From a long line of badass women. She/her/hers
Go to the profile of Curtis Macarthur
Curtis Macarthur
All i want to do is add beautiful things to the world.
Go to the profile of Aimée Brown Gramblin
Aimée Brown Gramblin
Age of Empathy founder. Creativity Fiend. Writer, Editor, Poet: life is art. Nature, Mental Health, Psychology, Art. Audio: aimeebrowngramblin.substack.com
Go to the profile of Natalie
Wife, mother, teacher, people/music lover and writer: sharing bits of her soul one story at a time.
Go to the profile of Daniel Redford
Daniel Redford
Creative Writer. Masters Degree. PhD candidate. Bearded. Wine-drinker. Life-drifter. Support me on Ko-Fi: www.ko-fi.com/danielredfordwriter || 3xBoosted
Go to the profile of P.S. Hanna
P.S. Hanna
Unraveling my tapestry one line at a time ☾⊹ ₊
Go to the profile of Loretta
A lover of books, stories and history
Go to the profile of Peculiar Julia
Peculiar Julia
Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them?
Go to the profile of Alex Praytor
Alex Praytor
Writer, traveler, and avid coffee-drinker. I write about life in Europe, coffee, and other musings. https://ko-fi.com/alexpray
Go to the profile of Jenna Zark
Jenna Zark
Jenna Zark’s book Crooked Lines: A Single Mom's Jewish Journey received first prize (memoir) from Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Learn more at jennazark.com
Go to the profile of Janet Meisel
Janet Meisel
Writer, poet, artist. I found myself here one day, settled in, and so far I don't want to leave. Life is weird, what more can I say?
Go to the profile of Ellie Cottrell Writes
Ellie Cottrell Writes
Welcome to my wee corner of Medium 💖 I write prose and poetry from the heart. Creative non-fiction is my favourite. And I LOVE finding great writers on here!
Go to the profile of Teresa Sochacka Renton
Teresa Sochacka Renton
🤍POM🤍 previously published in Flas Fiction Magazine, Stick Figure Poetry, 101 Words, Across the Margin,50 Give or Take, (Vine Leaves Press)
Go to the profile of Misbah Sheikhh
Misbah Sheikhh
Boost Nominator | Editor | Writer | They call me the queen of poetry - I write "moments" to inspire and connect with you.
Go to the profile of Beth Riungu
Beth Riungu
Essayist and short storyist. Subscribe at https://tinyurl.com/BRwrites for reflections on reading, writing, and running around without glasses.
Go to the profile of Kehinde Margret Makinde
Kehinde Margret Makinde
A complex soul, academic writer, and artist at heart with fine deem from distinct outlook; zeal's veer; and events to proof stir of gifts, love, and vision
Go to the profile of Jan C. McLarty
Jan C. McLarty
Artist and writer integrating art with mindfulness—offering fun perspectives on the journey from unknowing limiting mindsets to deeper knowing.
Go to the profile of Fọlábòmí Àmọ̀ó
Fọlábòmí Àmọ̀ó
I use words to paint pictures. Author/Poet. https://linktr.ee/folabomiamoo
Go to the profile of Mia Tockey
Go to the profile of The Ordinary Scientist
The Ordinary Scientist
I am a scientist and group leader studying human genetics and diseases. I write about what it means to navigate life and academia as a female scientist
Go to the profile of Kit Desjacques
Kit Desjacques
Reader, writer, traveler. Glad to be alive in the age of internet so I can look up answers to everything I'm curious about.
Go to the profile of Ashley Denise
Ashley Denise
I am an experimental contemporary fiction writer. I like to write about love and loss, whimsy and the weird. I hope you enjoy my work.
Go to the profile of Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.
Go to the profile of Audrey Howitt
Audrey Howitt
A licensed attorney and psychotherapist, opera singer, voice teacher, and poet.
Go to the profile of AshBunny
I write about the human experience with a scoop of perspective and dash of humor. Follow me down the rabbit hole!
Go to the profile of Amanda Barusch
Amanda Barusch
Author, Explorer. I write about every day miracles and human connection. For discounts on my latest book & a free novella: www.amandabarusch.com
Go to the profile of Margaret Sefton
Margaret Sefton
Dark fiction: fairytales, folktales, horror, historical fiction. MFA. Editor A Dark Wood https://medium.com/a-dark-wood/a-dark-wood-welcome-8b6027bf32c1
Go to the profile of J.M. Antrobus
J.M. Antrobus
I’m a school bus driver in Cobb County, Georgia, who loves reading and writing, and a former newspaper reporter / editor and corporate PR pro.
Go to the profile of Uzoma Okafor
Uzoma Okafor
Lover. Poet. Fighter. World Wide Woman
Go to the profile of Cal Moore
Cal Moore
Poetry, fiction, essays. Anarchy and Zen. A cathartic romp through a data dance hall of neuroticism, dodgy syntax and ego wrangling. Enjoy?
Go to the profile of Sherry Atkinson
Sherry Atkinson
Taking off my mask to write about what matters to me. I enjoy connecting with other writers/authors/poets.
Go to the profile of CG Miller
CG Miller
My name is CG Miller. I write fiction to help make sense of the world around me while trying to laugh in the process... lol
Go to the profile of Ellen Catherine
Ellen Catherine
Lifelong writer of essays, memoir pieces, and poetry who is working to release the ball of angst, worry, and guilt associated with said writing.
Go to the profile of Ruth Clogston
Go to the profile of Ishu Thathai
Ishu Thathai
Earthly touch of water that pacifies fire as air spreads its wings. Oh, how I wish to write!
Go to the profile of Ema Dumitru
Ema Dumitru
An Almost Made Up Poet
Go to the profile of Lisa Once
Lisa Once
Exploring the beauty in darkness, water, and the void. Translator by day, poet by night.
Go to the profile of Mark Stephenson
Mark Stephenson
Mark is a writer of short stories and flash fiction, and he loves to give and receive feedback.
Go to the profile of Grandma Smillew
Grandma Smillew
Grandma. Pink belt in social media marketing. I love flash fiction and stories about Grandmas (submit here: https://medium.com/grandma-power)
Go to the profile of Maisie Archer
Maisie Archer
70s/80s girl, big sister, single mom, indiscriminate reader. Writer of fiction, poetry, and personal essays about all the things.
Go to the profile of Val Francis
Val Francis
As a writer, I’ve never been happy being pigeonholed because there’s so much to write about & too little time to do it. So, seize the day is my motto.
Go to the profile of Shanelle Hicks
Shanelle Hicks
An indie beauty, poetry and business enthusiast who lives in all capitals. Advocacy for equitable relationships for couples. Founder @thrustbeauty
Go to the profile of Tracy Willis
Tracy Willis
I'm a teacher who woke up one day and asked, “How the hell did I get here?” Writing compels me, and I've learned to listen when the universe speaks. Finally.
Go to the profile of Polyna Firer
Polyna Firer
Human, creative, lover of sunshine. Healing through poetry and music.
Go to the profile of Jennifer Morrison
Jennifer Morrison
I am a whirlwind who changes daily, but I always have a pen in my hand!
Go to the profile of Marilyn Wolf
Marilyn Wolf
Poet, author, wanderer, always curious. In Celebration of the Death of Faeries is her first book; she is currently editing a second.
Go to the profile of Hondo Risky
Hondo Risky
I write to be purposeful, I read to daydream.
Go to the profile of Idris Jimoh
Idris Jimoh
I'm just an average guy trying to share the things I've learned so far in life
Go to the profile of Jay Rosenberg
Jay Rosenberg
Freelance writer/editor with a small collection of nonremunerative master’s degrees. American expat in Bogota. Personal essays, film, fiction (lit/horror)
Go to the profile of Jim Parton
Jim Parton
Retired Teacher and Funeral Celebrant. The gay and married dad of three grown children. I have always been fascinated by the human condition. Come read with me.