5 Benefits of Jumping Jacks You Don’t Want to Miss

A simple exercise with massive gains

In Fitness And In Health


Man jumping on concrete sidewalk
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Were you one of those kids who dreaded the PE class, because you had to do jumping jacks?

You disliked starting the day by jumping up and down. And no matter how much you tried, your arms and legs were never in sync.

Not being able to do jumping jacks properly can often discourage a person from going back to it. While it’s important to know how to do this exercise properly, it’s equally important to understand the health benefits that this exercise provides you.

Several months ago, I fell into a fitness rut and turned to jump rope workouts to get back on track. Most of the tutorials that I followed, recommended jumping jacks as a warm-up exercise.

Since then, jumping jacks has become a staple exercise in my fitness routine. Before we dive into the health benefits of jumping jacks, let’s have a look at how to perform this exercise:

How to do Jumping Jacks

  1. Stand with your legs together and arms by your side
  2. As you jump in the air, spread your legs about shoulder-width apart, while raising your arms above your head
  3. Jump back to starting position and repeat as many times as possible in…

