The 8 Strategies I Use to Maintain 14% Body Fat as a Female

The practices I follow on a daily basis.

Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Achieving a low body fat percentage is challenging.

Maintaining this low body fat percentage may be even harder. It’s easier to find motivation when you can see the end — the 6 week challenge, the body fat percentage that is almost within reach, the wedding you’re shredding for.

What’s harder is continuing to find that motivation once you’ve reached your goal. Here are the 8 practices I follow each day to ensure I stay on track for maintaining my current body fat percentage.

1. Morning fasted movement

I covered this in a recent article, and it resonated with a lot of people due to its simplicity.

This is something I learned from Ben Greenfield, and have implemented ever since. Performing some form of movement in the morning, and especially in a fasted state, is great for fat loss. It’s also great for optimizing your sleep quality due to its impact on the circadian rhythm, and movement is one of the top 3 practices I recommend including in the morning.

Combining this movement with caffeine reaps even more benefits. Fasted cardio is a powerful fat loss strategy on its own, but combined with caffeine, it…



Ashley Richmond
In Fitness And In Health

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