Go to In Search of Leverage
In Search of Leverage
A collection of stories exploring the most powerful levers for addressing climate change
Note from the editor

A collection of stories exploring the most powerful levers for addressing climate change

Go to the profile of Dominic Hofstetter
Dominic Hofstetter
I write to inform, inspire, and trigger new strategies for tackling climate change.
Go to the profile of Riki Conrey
Riki Conrey
I am a data scientist for social change. I use statistics to combine data from all sources to make tools and insights activists can use to change the world.
Go to the profile of Helena Dearnell
Go to the profile of Sasja Beslik
Sasja Beslik
MD, Head of Sustainable Finance Dev. at J. Safra Sarasin, the world’s leading private bank on sustainable finance. Author of “Guld och gröna skogar” (2019).
Go to the profile of Kate Wolfenden
Kate Wolfenden
Think in systems, write about nature, work behind the scenes building things that matter.
Go to the profile of Jayne Engle
Jayne Engle
Civic futures | Mission co-holder @DarkMatter_Labs & #7GenCities | Adj Professor McGill University, urbanism & public policy | jayne@darkmatterlabs.org
Go to the profile of Rafael Kaufmann
Rafael Kaufmann
Building global superintelligence @ Digital Gaia.
Go to the profile of Annalisa Spalazzi
Annalisa Spalazzi
Interest and specialization in social innovation, territorial development, regenerative tourism and enabling communities for transformation in Southern Europe.
Go to the profile of Michelle Zucker
Michelle Zucker
Driven by design, innovation, bringing people together, trying to solve things.
Go to the profile of Fernanda Todeschini
Fernanda Todeschini
Sustainability • Community Building • Stakeholder Engagement • Communication • Business Strategy.. f@fernandat.me