(Chapter in Skin in the game )
What we have been seeing worldwide, from India to the UK to the US, is the rebellion against the inner circle of no-skin-in-the-game policymaking “clerks” and journalists-insiders, that class of paternalistic…
A central chapter that crystallizes all my work. In forth. Skin in the Game
Literature doesn’t look like literature –Business plans are for suckers — Donaldo Hiring practitioners –the glory of bureaucracy–teach a professor how to deadlift –looking the part
Even the church had its hippies –Coase does not need math –Avoid lawyers during Oktoberfest –The expat life ends one day –People who have been employees are signaling domestication — You win elections by not caring about wining elections
(Chapter from Skin in the Game)
The Static and the Dynamic — How to go bankrupt and be loved by the many –Piketty’s equals
[One of the more technical (and optional) chapters, at the end of Skin of the Game]
Rory Sutherland claims that the real function for swimming pools is allowing the middle class to sit around in bathing suits without looking ridiculous…
Don’t eat their cheesecake– Meta-experts judged by meta-meta-experts– Prostitutes, nonprostitutes, and amateurs — Popper compatibility
(Background. The Black Swan explains the domain-dependence of expertise: why the electrician, dentist, are experts, while the…
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