Top Stories published by Indeed Engineering in 2017

Bringing Job Spotter to iOS: Indeed’s First React Native App

In 2013, Facebook released ReactJS and changed the way a lot of people (including us) think about web development. In 2015, Facebook released React Native, allowing developers to create powerful native mobile experiences…

IndeedEng Culture: Encourage Autonomy, Measure Impact

In the previous post, I wrote about innovation and consolidation and the importance of balancing the two. In this post, I write about how Indeed fosters initiative through autonomy.

Most compensation systems…

An open office lounge area with multiple people sitting down and using laptops or mobile phones.

Indeed Reads: October 2017

The Indeed Engineering blog lets us write about the technologies we get to work with every day. We talk about…

IndeedEng Culture: Balance Innovation and Consolidation

In a previous post, I described the importance of keeping teams independent. Is there a downside to this approach?

One drawback of fostering independent teams is that the product can look inconsistent or even…

These were the top 10 stories published by Indeed Engineering in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.