Where Good Writing Takes Off and Flies.

Indelible Ink, The Newsletter.

Ramona Grigg
Indelible Ink
4 min readJun 15, 2021


Wikimedia Commons

Hello, friends of Indelible Ink. It’s been a while. I hope you’re still with us, enjoying the many wonderful stories we’ve been so privileged to publish here, even during the worst of the pandemic!

What better time to sit back and read than when we’re feeling confined and slightly sacrificial? And what better time to write what’s in our hearts and be able to share via the magic of the internet? (No masks, no close encounters, no fear of contamination. Perfect!)

But if you’ve missed any of our stories in the past couple of months, go here and scroll down, or choose one of the sections at the top and find the best of the best in your favorite categories.

But first a little housekeeping: Indelible Ink isn’t going anywhere for the duration, but I should tell you that I have slowed my writing presence here at Medium and have moved into a new Substack neighborhood. I’m writing in a newsletter format there but I haven’t left Medium entirely. I’ll still be owner/editor here at my favorite creative nonfiction publication, still heavily involved in keeping the best of Creative Nonfiction going.

Third in Creative Nonfiction Publications at Medium

As always, I’m open to new CNF writers who would like to try us out. We’re #3 in Medium’s CNF topics, just behind a couple of well-known literary journals (See above), and I would love to keep that momentum going. There is always a place for good creative nonfiction and as publisher/editor here at Indelible Ink, my aim is to build a community that honors and cherishes the best among us.

I have deep respect for the working lives of our writers, who often don’t get the attention they deserve elsewhere. I’ll always help in the editing process without getting in the way of the story, and I respond quickly whenever someone sends me a submission — usually no more than two days.

Writing guidelines here.

Here are a few stories you might have missed. Please be sure and visit all of our writers to give them a hand, a highlight, and maybe a word or two.

One Ray of Light From the Empire, the Double Edge of Meghan’s Mental Health Revelation, by Anne Spollen.

Do You Want to Get Lost In History? A Glimpse of my Motherland’s History, by Nayanika Saikia.

My Facebook Friend Saved My Life — and Today I Figured Out Who It Was, by Christina Ward.

Remembering My Mother — A Wise and Wonderful Woman, by Aabye-Gayle F.

Navel-Gazing Has Become My Habit, by me, Ramona Grigg.

I Gave My Child the Strength to Fly — But If He Flies Too Close to the Sun I can Only Watch, by SMACKINCOHEN.

Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us. Come back any time!


