Top Stories published by Indicatrix in 2013

Microaccessibility with OpenTripPlanner

Analysis of accessibility is
generally undertaken in large regions, such as
metropolitan areas or
entire countries. Frequently
it also uses macro temporal scales, as in before-and-after
analysis. This analysis instead looks at micro scales, both spatial

Organizing my Research

As a follow-up to my recent post about organizing my library, this post talks about the system I’ve come up with for organizing my research.

I was starting a new research project, and I realized that writing my bibliography and managing my citations manually…

Analyzing the Effects of Space and Time on Bikeshare Use

Bikeshare systems have been taking off in the US of late. One of the first of these systems, Capital Bikeshare in Washington, DC, has been in operation since 2010. The automated bikeshare stations generate a wealth of information…

I’m a PhD student in geography studying urban transportation at Arizona State.
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