Go to IndraStra Global
IndraStra Global
Geopolitics | Business | Technology
Note from the editor

As an online publisher, we are an independent, non-governmental and non-partisan organization. We publish numerous opinions, featured articles, policy briefing papers, situational reports on our web-portal under following ISSN numbers, 2381–3652/OCLC 923297365 (Main), 2472–4866/OCLC 949767720 (India Edition) and 2575–7741/OCLC 1007836494 (The Dossier)

Go to the profile of IndraStra Global
Go to the profile of Rahul Guhathakurta
Go to the profile of Kevin Simon
Kevin Simon
Human for Strangers, Monster for Friends.
Go to the profile of Rose McReid
Rose McReid
Journalism Grad, Author, Illustrator - #Queens #NewYork