Go to Infobip Developers
Infobip Developers
A place for Infobip Developers to share their stories, thoughts, ideas, opinions, as well as some tips and tricks on everyday challenges we are facing.
Note from the editor

We help businesses build meaningful customer relations. Use our API stack, keep your customers engaged.

Go to the profile of Infobip Developers
Infobip Developers
Some of our authors would rather not have their name out, and that is perfectly fine.
Go to the profile of Joanna Suau
Joanna Suau
Developer educator @infobipdev, technical writer, and UX enthusiast
Go to the profile of Julia Biro
Julia Biro
👩🏼‍💻, 🎨 & 🥑 shenanigans @DevRelAvocados and Vonage. I spend most of my time wrangling Node-RED into doing my bidding, creating resources for the community.
Go to the profile of Tena Sojer
Tena Sojer
I help developers write awesome content @Infobip. Creating a content culture one post at a time.
Go to the profile of Ivan Brezak Brkan
Ivan Brezak Brkan
Internet business, marketing & new media geek: Editor & Founder @ @netokracija & @netocraticweb, CEO @ Meme Media
Go to the profile of Aldin Kiselica
Tech blogging lead
Aldin Kiselica
Helps tech founders and startups build developer relations strategy. Writes about DevRel, and dev tools.
Go to the profile of Ivan Burazin
Chief Dev eXperience Officer
Ivan Burazin
CEO and Co-Founder at Daytona.io
Go to the profile of Anja Hula
Anja Hula
Engineering Director @ Infobip
Go to the profile of Nejra Muslić
Nejra Muslić
Senior Software Engineer @ Infobip
Go to the profile of Zoran Rubinić
Zoran Rubinić
Staff Engineer @infobip
Go to the profile of Amel Halilovic
Amel Halilovic
Senior Software Engineer and Writing Enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Dejan Frankovic
Dejan Frankovic
Senior Engineer @ Infobip | A software engineer with a decade of experience and a fistful of opinions. Full-time corporate drone.
Go to the profile of F.Lucivjansky
Senior Software Engineer @ Infobip
Go to the profile of Dejan Švigir
Dejan Švigir
Principal Engineer@Infobip
Go to the profile of Bruno Hemar
Bruno Hemar
Senior Software Engineer @Infobip
Go to the profile of Adnan Arnautovic
Adnan Arnautovic
Computer Science Student @TU Graz
Go to the profile of Milan Mimica
Milan Mimica
Senior Principal Engineer @Infobip
Go to the profile of Andrey Ermakov
Andrey Ermakov
Senior Software Engineer @Infobip
Go to the profile of Omar El Tabari
Omar El Tabari
Senior DevSecOps Engineer @infobip
Go to the profile of Josip Klaric
Josip Klaric
Developer advocate @ Infobip
Go to the profile of Alexey Maltsev
Alexey Maltsev
Dev-fella at @infobipdev, fan of .Net, @codepen demos, trance-music and good food
Go to the profile of Danko Šimunović
Danko Šimunović
Software Engineer @ Infobip
Go to the profile of Dino Lozina
Dino Lozina
Engineer with strong programming background. At the moment I am working on web technologies in .NET world. My point of interests are WebAssembly and API design.
Go to the profile of Ivan Letenko
Ivan Letenko
Senior Software Engineer at Infobip
Go to the profile of Tena Sojer
Tena Sojer
I help developers write awesome content @Infobip. Creating a content culture one post at a time.