Top Stories published by innovaminex in April of 2021

MINX Club seasons

Being part of the MINX Club is really simple, you just have to have MINX and keep them or buy more to be part of this Club.

At InnovaMinex we reward the loyalty of all those who support the project and believe in it as much as we do.

Visit to La María Mining Project, latest developments

The investors visited the La María mine, in the “pico de oro” pit and checked the new generator that was installed.

Currently, we have two generators and the electricians are putting the transformer to the…

Inside Mine Operations

We interviewed Operations Manager Walton Hernando Baron, who is in control of the entire operation inside the mine, outside in the benefit plant and laboratory.

The operation inside the mine is what makes up all the areas that are involved in order to extract the…

Visita al Proyecto Minero La María, últimos avances

Los inversores visitaron la mina La María, en la bocamina “pico de oro” revisaron el generador nuevo que pusieron.

Actualmente, tenemos dos generadores y los electricistas están poniendo el transformador a la…

Operaciones en el Interior de la Mina

Entrevistamos al Gerente de Operaciones Walton Hernando Barón, quien lleva el control de toda la operación en el interior de mina, en el exterior la planta de beneficio y laboratorio.

Las temporadas del Club MINX

Formar parte del Club MINX es realmente sencillo, solo debes tener MINX y mantenerlos o comprar más para formar parte de este Club.

En InnovaMinex premiamos la fidelidad de todos aquellos que apoyan el proyecto y que creen en él tanto como nosotros.

#1 Blockchain of precious metals mines
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