Meet Allison Christie, Customer Success at Goalbook

Based in Houston, Texas

Purva Dandona
Innovating Instruction
3 min readSep 18, 2017


Alli with district partners at Goalbook’s Summer Leadership Design Institute

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

Before I started working at Goalbook, I spent four years in the classroom as a special education resource teacher in Dallas, TX and Glendale, AZ. I was also an account manager at Pearson where I supported schools primarily with special education curriculum.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

Coming from a special education background and the publishing world, I was intrigued by the fact that Goalbook had created a tool for teachers that helps increase the efficiency of instructional planning and hold high expectations for all students. The second thing that drew me to Goalbook was the team. As I went through the interview process with folks throughout the company, the rapport and conversation felt very organic and natural, which reassured me that this was the place for me.

As I went through the interview process with folks throughout the company, the rapport and conversation felt very organic and natural, which reassured me that this was the place for me.

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I work on the Customer Success team, which means I am the point person for many districts and schools and I help them with their ongoing implementation of Goalbook’s products and trainings. I also lead professional development around instructional practice with districts around the country. The ongoing professional development, whether it’s through onsite workshops or via webinars, is my favorite component of my role. I love the opportunity to partner with districts and creatively engage in problem-solving. I get to brainstorm solutions with my team and colleagues which grounds me in the work that I do.

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

I love the positive and uplifting company culture at Goalbook. We all bring something different from our skill set and background. I am constantly learning from my peers.

How do you work and communicate with your manager?

My manager is one of the reasons I love my work so much! She is easily accessible whenever I need feedback or have questions. I always feel supported and can easily communicate any needs or thoughts. While we have a weekly one-on-one time, we often talk daily to discuss and collaborate on various items.

What have you learned in your role so far?

One thing I’ve learned here at Goalbook is the value of collaboration and teamwork. I feel like there is an open forum to exchange ideas and get feedback to improve in a very non-threatening way. This type of environment encourages me to speak up and share thoughts and ideas with others, and I can also improve my own skills while helping and encouraging my colleagues.

One thing I’ve learned here at Goalbook is the value of collaboration and teamwork. I feel like there is an open forum to exchange ideas and get feedback to improve in a very non-threatening way.

What are some areas you’d like to continue growing professionally?

I would like to grow my repertoire and skills in creating more visually appealing materials for our engagement webinars and onsite professional development. I am constantly presenting slides and giving handouts for professional developments, webinars, and conferences so I’d love to be able to help make these more engaging.

What are some of your favorite spots in San Mateo?

San Mateo has quite a few delicious options to choose from — below are some of my favorites!

  • Curry Up Now — Indian street food fusion
  • Mortar and Pestle — Indian inspired cocktails
  • Antoine’s — Locally owned cookie shop
  • Vault 164 — Eclectic American
  • CREAM — Cookies and ice cream
  • Philz — Coffee

What’s your favorite memory during your time at Goalbook?

This past spring we had our annual spring celebration, and it was park day. It was a great group activity — the weather was beautiful, and it was a relaxing time for all of us to be together. I also love our Secret Santa reveal in December, and it has been my favorite team activity.

  • Check out other team member stories and learn more about our company culture.
  • Read about what it is like to work at Goalbook: Todd, Kia, and Erika
  • Follow Goalbook on LinkedIn for the latest job opportunities and team updates.

