Meet Jeannette Avila, Operations and Finance

Based in San Mateo, CA

Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction
3 min readAug 20, 2019


Jeannette and her operations partner-in-crime, Paige

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

Before Goalbook, I was a high school special education teacher. I worked with ninth and tenth graders with mild to moderate learning disabilities.Goalbook’s vision to help all students access academic rigor by empowering teachers really resonated with me because I understand the challenge of giving a heterogeneous group of students the same education. The people who can help accomplish this are teachers.

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

My role in the company is on the Operations Team and one of my favorite parts is helping coordinate events, both for our team and for our district and school partners. With team events, I get to pick fun activities that our team can bond over. Our Winter and Summer PD Institutes give me a chance to meet and learn about the districts and schools with whom we work.

Jeannette handing out tickets for the food trucks

I appreciate my colleagues because everyone is easy to get along with and people are genuinely thoughtful. We also have lots of funny and interesting conversations during meetings, lunchtime, or when we’re taking a break. Funny videos and memes are always being shared! I like the versatility of our office — the various spaces give us the choice to work communally, have a meeting in a large room, or use a small room when we need to work quietly or make phone calls.

I appreciate my colleagues because everyone is easy to get along with and people are genuinely thoughtful.

What have you learned in your role so far?

I’ve learned so much about all the behind-the-scenes work it takes to keep a company running — making sure our finances are in order, negotiating with vendors and troubleshooting problems with them, ensuring our taxes are filed correctly for every state, just to name a few. Most people don’t see any of these tasks but they are absolutely necessary. I love how I’m continuing to grow professionally and learn more about operations — new things always come up in our growing company. I’m also always striving to improve my communication with our team and externally — to be clear, effective, and efficient in the work I do.

Which team activity has been your favorite?

My favorite team activity has been Secret Santa — some people get really into it! I love seeing the Secret Santa clues that people leave for each other and then people’s surprised reactions when they learn who their Secret Santa is during the reveal. I also love Central Park next to our office — our annual Goalbook park day is always relaxing and so much fun.

Uh oh, what are Jeannette and Paige plotting?

Find out why other members of the Goalbook Team are excited about their roles and our work.

Read other team member stories: Paige, Paul, and Susan

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Ryan Ingram
Innovating Instruction

Engagement @Goalbook making meaningful connections between quality teaching and genuine learning.