Meet Paige Lafferty, Operations at Goalbook

Based in San Mateo, California

Purva Dandona
Innovating Instruction
4 min readSep 29, 2017


Paige at Goalbook’s Leadership Design Institute in Berkeley, CA

What was your experience prior to Goalbook?

I have worked in positions that connect to my passions. At my previous job, I worked in the hospitality industry at a five-star hotel. I was part of the front office team where I started as a front desk agent and then moved to the Concierge team. I enjoyed building relationships with guests, creating itineraries and providing recommendations to our guests. This position let my charismatic side shine. When I graduated college in 2013 I worked as a Behavioral Therapist and assisted children with Autism to work on social and cognitive development. I have worked with and cared for children for many years. It was a rewarding experience to aid children in overcoming their challenges. This job nourished the compassionate and productive side of who I am. Ultimately, these two positions led me to Goalbook.

What gravitated you towards Goalbook’s mission?

I wanted to work for a company that was passionate about making a change; a company that stood for something. Goalbook does just that. Their mission is to support educators and empower them to transform the instruction they provide their students. Many of Goalbook’s employees have teaching experience and know the deep rooted issues within the education system and want to help improve them for teachers. I am proud of my teammates and their motivation to assist educators in make learning accessible for all students!

What is your role, and what are your favorite parts of it?

I work on our Operations Team and I believe this role aligns with many of my professional strengths. I am a very productive and task-oriented individual. I thrive on helping others with work and planning out and coordinating the company calendar. I enjoy arranging travel itineraries for my colleagues. I have participated in organizing logistics for conferences which connects to my affinity for event planning. I also work on finance oriented tasks like payroll and invoices. I am the go-to person for anything connected to operations in the office and I enjoy that my team appreciates any assistance I provide.

Outside of the role, what are one or two things you love here?

I love the people I work with and the authentic conversations we have with one another. Everyone is very supportive both in a work setting and on a personal level which I truly appreciate. My team is filled with amazing, intelligent, and hardworking individuals whom I admire. There is a culture of open communication among my teammates and manager which is important in a workplace.

What have you learned in your role so far?

I am constantly learning something new with this role. Adapting to various tasks and always having backup plans are crucial to success in this role. Sometimes I may not have an immediate solution for a teammate or know what procedure to apply to various challenges, but I always figure out a solution that works. I am a planner at heart, but sometimes you don’t have the ability to plan everything out or know what will happen, so you have to be ready for anything. I always try to create an problem specific methods for finding a solutions so I am able to adjust it for the next time something similar occurs.

Paige hiking in Yosemite National Park

What personal goals have you set outside of work?

I am very active and enjoy hiking and traveling with my husband. I like to cook so I am always learning new recipes and more affordable ways to eat at home!

What are some of your favorite spots in San Mateo?

I grew up coming to Downtown San Mateo, but I never realized how many great restaurants and shops there are. I think there is a great sense of community in the downtown area from the local cookie shop, Antoine’s, to a huge toy store, Talbots; I appreciate its authentic feel even though it is a big city. I love Central Park and walking around the Japanese Tea Garden. It is very peaceful and it’s a short walk from our office. I’ve recently taken up potting plants at home so I enjoy the Golden Nursery in San Mateo, a local plant nursery that has many beautiful plants!

Which team activity has been your favorite?

My favorite team activities would have to be our Soulbook activities. I always look forward to conversing with my teammates in new ways and getting to know them as individuals. I feel these activities allow for a safe and open line of communication between one another while incorporating Goalbook values and its mission.

