Go to Inside Outcome
Inside Outcome
As Outcome Health employees, we have the power to truly transform the point of care experience for our loved ones and for ourselves. This is how we’re doing it.
Note from the editor

As Outcome Health employees, we have the power to truly transform the point of care experience for our loved ones and for ourselves. This is how we’re doing it.

Go to the profile of Jenny Beightol
Jenny Beightol
Word writer. Former Voice @BellyCard & @OutcomeHealth, now Head of Marketing at Spot Meetings. Trying to protect the planet #OneActionEveryPerson at a time.
Go to the profile of Outcome Health
Outcome Health
Outcome Health aspires to activate the best health outcome possible for every person in the world. #ActivateGood
Go to the profile of Michael Gunn
Go to the profile of Jenny Beightol
Jenny Beightol
Word writer. Former Voice @BellyCard & @OutcomeHealth, now Head of Marketing at Spot Meetings. Trying to protect the planet #OneActionEveryPerson at a time.
Go to the profile of Vikram Agadi
Go to the profile of Dileep Varma
Go to the profile of Sean Alexander
Go to the profile of Darrin Lim
Darrin Lim
Curious about Software, Healthcare, Evolution, and Storytelling. Duke alum. Made in Nebraska. @LimDarrin
Go to the profile of Dave Johnson
Go to the profile of Salvador Vega
Go to the profile of Megan Hagman
Go to the profile of Jun Kim
Jun Kim
Data Engineer
Go to the profile of Erik Polkowski
Go to the profile of Angie Eckstein