13 Attributes of the Ultimate Writer (Part 4 of 4)

Guts, Versatility, and Connecting

Chris Craft


13 attributes of the ultimate writer
Image designed by the author

All things must come to an end at some point. I’m back with Part 4 of the Ultimate Writer series-the final installment in this fun series. I’ve been so thrilled to learn more about the writers who have been featured in the series. But most of all, I’ve been happy to show you how to be a better writer by highlighting key writing attributes.

Part 4 of the Ultimate Writer series has me walking into my Ultimate Writer Lab for the last time. This time, I’m working on fortifying our ultimate writer with Guts, Versatility, and Connecting.

After you read this final installment, please check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 so that you can read about the other attributes and learn about some talented writers.



Chris Craft

Husband, father, writer, and musician. I enjoy producing music for BeatCurve and writing words. Founder of Nao Media and NeoLuxeMarketing.com