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Interaction Design

Interaction Design Thesis Martijn
Interaction Design Thesis Martijn
Journey of Interaction Design Thesis by Martijn
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Why I’m taking a break from my weekly blogging

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 7

It’s been long that I felt so insecure as a designer. Anything I come up with really. I just don’t think it’s that good. My concepts feel unoriginal and ungrounded. My design process feels…

Dancing with Uncertainty

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 3

I’m three weeks in now. It’s nothing significant really. However, as I’ve started to synthesize more of my research, things are beginning to make sense. I am seeing patterns in what experts told me and the experiments I have…

Why you probably can’t transfer Wisdom

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 2

Wow such a busy week, with lots of insights. While writing this post I realized how much I value this place as a way to reflect. Without it, I would probably be super confused right now. Instead, I feel