A searching mind and a compassionate heart

Just read a great letter from the 1970’s penned as a response by a physicist working on the US space program to a nun working with children in Africa.

The nun was questioning the value and cost of space exploration in light of the…

Holding Your Nerve in a Hate Storm — Part 2: or “Why the end of traditional journalism is nigh…”

Last week I published a post about how Sneaking Duck and Clens, 2 businesses our startup studio (25Fifteen) operates, were caught up in a hate storm directed at…


I loved this piece in Wired I read over the weekend. Based on the book No Exit by Gideon Lewis-Kraus it highlights the harsh, harsh reality of startup life.

This is not me having a pessimistic view of the startup world. Nor is it some sort of schadenfreude. Completely the opposite. I’m…

Things I find interesting. Maybe you will too.
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