Top Stories published by Into ALM in 2011

ALM End-To-End

Today I held a short presentation (45’) on Application Lifecyle Management End-To-End. The session was part of the ISV Discovery Day.

The presentation was primarily focused on showing the audience the ALM end-to-end workflow in Visual Studio 2010, starting from gathering and…

Techdays Belgium 2011 — VS Lab Management

Only one month to go for my second appearance at Techdays Belgium. Last year I did a presentation on Branching & Merging strategies with Team Foundation Server 2010, but this year I will speak about the automated Build-Deploy-Test cycle with Visual Studio…

MVP Summit 2011 — VS ALM stuff

Last week I was in Seattle for the MVP Summit where I was one of the present 78 Visual Studio ALM MVPs to explore the future of the Application Lifecycle Management platform.

Visual Studio 11 ALM Preview

The BUILD conference held last week in California was not only the start for getting the details about Windows 8, but was also the time where Team Foundation Server on Windows Azure was announced with a public preview.

These were the top 10 stories published by Into ALM in 2011. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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Blogging About Application Lifecycle Management with TFS/VSTS
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