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The app platform for web developers.
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A state management pattern for Ionic React with React Hooks
How to manage state in your app can often be the biggest and most impactful architectural decision you make.
Matt Netkow
Jun 8, 2019
Introducing Stencil One
Introducing Stencil One
Today I am thrilled to announce the 1.0.0 release of Stencil-or what we’re calling “Stencil One.” 🎉
Matt Netkow
Jun 6, 2019
Announcing Capacitor 1.0
Announcing Capacitor 1.0
Matt Netkow
May 21, 2019
Using React Hooks in Ionic React
Using React Hooks in Ionic React
If you’ve been following the news in the React ecosystem, you’ve likely heard about the new React Hooks API available in React v16.8.
Matt Netkow
Apr 30, 2019
Let the Framework do its job
Let the Framework do its job
Over the last year or so, modern frontend frameworks have largely converged on a set of standard, recommended build tools and approaches…
The ionic team
Oct 24, 2018
Building a company around TypeScript
Over the last few years, TypeScript has emerged as a powerhouse in the frontend world, helping teams build and maintain large, complex…
Max Lynch
Jul 23, 2018
Hybrid apps are unstoppable
In the last year or so, we hit escape velocity (for lack of a better term) for hybrid app development. The stack is unstoppable now…
Max Lynch
May 26, 2017
Ionic’s 2016 - By the Numbers
2016 was a big year for Ionic, the web developers in our community building mobile apps, and the companies that have embraced Ionic as…
Max Lynch
Jan 9, 2017
Service Workers do not a Progressive Web App make
I hear this question a lot from Ionic developers: “iOS doesn’t support service workers, can I still build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on…
Max Lynch
Dec 20, 2016
Making Open Source a Happier Place
Making Open Source a Happier Place
Open Source is one of the most wonderful aspects of the software development world. Through OSS we all get high quality, well tested, and…
Max Lynch
Nov 14, 2016
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