Top 5 Ways to Use a Document Camera In a Classroom

Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2021


After experiencing a turbulent year due to the pandemic, some schools an businesses look to start welcoming people back into buildings while others intend to stay put. Document cameras emerged as one of the most crucial tools throughout the past year and look to further solidify its importance going forward. The ability to integrate document cameras with various software and hardware is a major contributing factor to its widespread success and popularity.

Below are 5 great uses you can give to document camera in a class or work setting:

Read and Annotate

Document cameras are the go-to tool when it comes to presenting materials. Effortlessly switching between materials and making live annotations results in a much smoother and time-efficient experience all around.

Read and Annotate

Record Lessons

With the steady increase in technology integration, educators all around the world are using document cameras to record lessons and tutorials. The small and simple yet powerful build of the document camera makes for a quick setup that requires minimal effort and space.

Record Lessons

Document Scanning

Scanning stacks of paper may seem like a daunting and time-consuming task but document cameras are able to speed the process up significantly. Once the device is set up in place, scanning documents becomes as simple as sliding it under the lens and clicking a button.

Live Demonstrations

There are multiple instances where crowding around something to catch a glimpse simply doesn’t cut it. Intricate gadgets with small parts, chemical reactions, dissections, and art techniques benefit the most from it. Projecting the image on a large screen ensures that everyone is able to view the demonstration at an optimal angle.

Live Demonstrations

Distance Viewing

For low-vision students, it can often be extremely difficult to follow along with the rest of the class. Simply have the set up the document camera, pointed towards the board, and zoom-in as needed. This is especially useful as the student may also take snapshots throughout the class if necessary.

Though document cameras have been around for quite a while, it wasn’t until the past year did it really pick up mainstream attention. After people started implementing document cameras into their daily routine, they quickly realized just how simple and powerful these tools were whilst providing much-needed versatility. The pandemic may be slowly coming to an end, but document cameras are here to stay.

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