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IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
The media futures agency of IPG Mediabrands
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Facebook Partners With Square And Marketo To Track Offline Purchases

What Happened
A week after announcing its partnership with Quantium
to improve its offline measurements, Facebook has once again stepped up its attribution game by partnering with Square and Marketo, both makers…

McDonald’s Tested In-Store Beacons To Positive Results

Read original story on: Mobile Marketer

McDonald’s tested a new in-store proximity program at 15 McDonald Cafés in Istanbul, Turkey, sending beacon-enabled promotions to its customers via Shopping Genie, a…

Chinese Jewelry Retailer Deploys In-Store Beacons Via WeChat

Read original story on: Mobile Commerce Daily

Chinese jewelry brand Chow Tai Fook teamed up with Beijing-based beacon-provider Sensoro to install a beacon-powered e-coupon distribution system that…

Get Ready For A New Industry Standard for Mobile and In-Store Measurement

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, six ad agencies, including IPG Mediabrands, recently selected Placed’s attribution product as the preferred tool for digital to in-store measurement, signaling a…