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Internet of Things

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
The media futures agency of IPG Mediabrands
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Beware Of The Privacy Threats Posed By IoT Devices

Read original story on: New York Times

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Tuesday reported that Internet-connected devices presented “serious data security and privacy risks”, urging companies to make data…

IBM Unveils The Blockchain Of Everything

IBM has released a proof of concept for blockchain-powered Internet of Things devices called ADEPT, short for Autonomous Decentralized Peer-To-Peer Telemetry. The system design is fully distributed, secure, and open source. Primarily based on the blockchain…

Wink Aims To Unite Smart Home Appliances

With plenty of connected home appliance currently on the market, competing IoT connectivity standards hurt their further popularization. Wink is a small New York startup with products — a hub box, a mountable control center, and a corresponding app — that aim…

Nest And Samsung To Introduce New IoT Network Protocol

Not long after the announcement of OIC, Samsung is now joining Google’s Nest Labs and six other manufacturers to launch a new wireless network called Thread for smart home automation. This new IP-based IoT network protocol doesn’t rely…