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Josh Lovison

IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
The media futures agency of IPG Mediabrands
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EA selects single player for in-game ads

The news that EA is dropping third parties from selling into the company’s dynamic in-game ad inventory is a pretty interesting development. At first blush, it looks like a move to increase margins and control pricing of the inventory. The more I think about…

8 mobile marketing questions answered

From Ad Age’s Digital Marketing Guide to Mobile

I haven’t been doing any mobile marketing so far. How hard will it be to catch up?

The mobile landscape is at a tipping point right now, switching from a very old…

Will net neutrality kill cloud gaming?

Column originally featured on MediaPost

The title of this post is “Will net neutrality kill cloud gaming?” — and no, that’s not the wrong way around. While a handful of game developers just advised the FCC on the importance of net neutrality for the future of…

Welcome to CES: Utility now trumps gadgets

On the first day of CES, I took a preliminary walk around the show floor as the booths were getting set up. I threw out my jaw yawning (no joke). It’s not that there wasn’t pretty neat stuff — it’s that the show as a whole was broken this year.