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IPG Media Lab
IPG Media Lab
The media futures agency of IPG Mediabrands
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Google’s Eddystone Beacons Deployed For Buses In London

What Happened
Google introduced its own beacon protocol named Eddystone
last July to compete with Apple’s iBeacon, and now it is finally being tested in the real world. Proxama, a UK-based mobile commerce company partnered with…

Google Adds Beacon-Detecting Capability To Chrome App

What Happened
Last July, Google launched
its own beacon initiative Eddystone to compete with Apple’s iBeacon, and now it is expanding the reach of its beacons by adding the capability of recognizing and interacting with nearby beacons to…

How Elle Used Proximity And Beacon Tech To Drive 500,000 Retail Store Visits

What Happened
For its September issue, Elle magazine launched a Shop Now
program that uses proximity technology to send readers location-based notifications and value offers. As Elle readers select…

Google Launches Eddystone Beacons To Compete With iBeacons

Watch out, iBeacon! Yesterday Google announced “Eddystone,” an open source beacon standard designed to be platform-agnostic to take on Apple’s iBeacon, whose proprietary standard only works with Apple devices and shuts out all…