Top Stories published by Iván’s blog in April of 2008

Bloom Filter

As Wikipedia says, the bloom filter

is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set. False positives are possible, but false negatives are not. Elements can be added to the set, but not removed (though this can be…

The Future of Web Search: Beyond Text # SAPIR Project

Pavel Zezula has talked about a system for multi feature indexing called MUFIN. It is interesting because it allows the indexing of objects with an arbitrary metric distance measure. For instance, you can index multimedia content (such…

The Future of Web Search: Beyond Text # Learning to Rank Answers on Large Online QA Collections

Mihai Surdeanu gave the talk “Learning to Rank Answers on Large Online QA Collections”. The idea is to use the large answers collections from Yahoo! Answers in order…

The Future of Web Search: Beyond Text

Yahoo! is hosting the workshop The Future of Web Search: Beyond Text in Andorra today. There are over 100 attendees. The workshop does special focus on multimedia and specialized topics in Web search.

I’ll post some notes from the talks on several posts.

Google App Engine

Surprise! Google has released a new service aimed at developing Web apps. Google App Engine is a framework to develop web applications that can run in Google infraestructure. This means that the applications can easily scale.

The service is based in a shared nothing architecture. You write…

Properazzi .com has just launched a new and simplified interface, with many improvements in terms of usability and speed.

These improvements are consistent with an expansion in the following countries:

  • Dubai

The end of poverty

I have read the book “The end of poverty. Economic possibilities for our time” by the economist Jeffrey D. Sachs. I have discovered a lot of things with this book. I am surprised though, as there are some topics I had never heard about. They should be in newspapers every day because of their…