Hiring More Agents: A Good Start but Not the Sole Solution

Excerpted from Tax Notes.

I read with interest the news story on an IRS announcement declaring the agency’s intention to audit many more “complex partnerships” in the near future.1 The headline for the…

The ALI Centennial and the Future of Tax Projects

Adapted from a book review published in Tax Notes Federal on August 28, 2023. A freely available link not behind Tax Analysts paywall is available on LinkedIn.

Monte A. Jackel is an adjunct professor of…

We Need Partnership Tax Reform

Adapted from a letter to the editor of Tax Notes on Aug. 7, 2023

Last week, the General Accounting Office issued a report describing the poor audit performance of the IRS in the auditing of what are referred to in the report as “large partnerships”…

Potential Implications of Supreme Court Review in Moore Case

Based in part in a letter to the editor of Tax Notes on July 10, 2023.

On June 26, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in Moore,1 a case from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth…

Aggregate-Entity Redux

(This article is reprinted from a letter to the editor of Tax Notes Federal published on May 8, 2023)

I am writing today to state some general observations relating to my recent article on partnership aggregate and entity issues.1 What prompted me to write this…

Tax Court Clarifies What A Profits Interest Is

The U.S. Tax Court has held in ES NPA Holding, T.C. Memo 2023–55, that an interest in a partnership granted for services was a profits interest that was not taxable to the taxpayer under Revenue Procedure 93–27.

SSRN Publication of My Combined Partnership Tax Reform Articles and Letters

I was granted permission from Tax Analysts to republish a compilation of my articles and letters to the editor that I have written in Tax Notes Federal on partnership tax law reform.

This story is part of the Jackeltaxlaw federal tax law policy perspectives and analysis
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