Top Stories published by JaegerTracing in 2017

Deployment strategies for the Jaeger Agent

If you’ve been following the evolution of the Kubernetes templates for Jaeger, you might have noticed an important change recently: the Jaeger Agent is not being deployed as a DaemonSet anymore. Instead, instructions are now being provided on how to…

Jaeger Helm Chart: Simplifying Deployment

In case you missed it, the Helm Chart for Jaeger was introduced early last month and development of the chart is continuing on. With the latest PR, the Jaeger chart now supports an option for deploying an ElasticSearch backend instead of using Cassandra…

Jaeger Kubernetes and OpenShift Templates

I am happy to announce that we have made it easier to deploy Jaeger on Kubernetes. This work has been carried out in a new Github organization Jaegertracing established to contain contributions for the Jaeger ecosystem. At the moment this organization holds…