Packer, Ansible and Docker Part 3: Multiple Roles

Previously we modified our setup to use a role from ansible galaxy to install and configure redis. One key thing lacking here is that one rarely needs to just use a role from ansible galaxy by itself so next up we’ll modify our playbook to…

Using Templates in Terraform

We’ve been using terraform at Zapier for over a year now and recently I was adding a new feature and looking over our large collection of IAM policy documents that are included through interpolation using the file function. One detail I noticed is that we have a lot of policies…

New Lotus Sutra Translation

The Lotus Sutra was my introduction to Mahāyāna and still holds my imagination and thoughts. The vivid scenes, metaphors and similes have a true “sticking power” that are incredibly hard to forget. I still occasionally read a chapter or two from time to time and plan to revisit…

Packer, Ansible and Docker Part 2: Using Ansible Galaxy

Previously we setup packer, docker and ansible to build a very simple docker image that simply placed a file under /root with some content, a very simple start. Today we’ll go further and explore using ansible roles and making some…

A Read-Eval-Print Loop for Ansible

One must have tool for any language is the availability of a REPL to quickly check out the syntax of an API or test out an idea really quick. Ansible is no different, especially since sometimes you might have a very long running playbook and it may be difficult to wait…

James Carr
James Carr
Random observations in technology, parenthood and life
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