Jason Theodor is a Speaker

on the topics of creativity, branding, and more

Jason Theodor
About Jason Theodor
5 min readMar 24, 2016



Note: This is a living document, updated frequently with the most current information available about Jason Theodor. Use the navigation bars or click on the signature to go back to home.

I’ve had the pleasure of booking Jason as a presenter at a number of our events around the world. He’s an amazing speaker, professional, creative, open, and is one of our TOP RATED speakers. Highly recommended! Shawn Pucknell, Director, FITC Events

Photo by Brian Patterson (@bpatphotos)
  • Highly-rated talks on creativity since 2006
  • Schools: NYU, Rotman’s, Ivey, Humber, Sheridan, Centennial, OCAD
  • Conferences: FITC, NxNE, iab Mixx, Collide, spring festival, Codemotion
  • Cities: Toronto, Halifax, Vancouver, Chicago, New York, Graz, Amsterdam, Rome
  • All-day creative workshops

Presentations, Interviews, Panels & Workshops


Hey Google, can you tell me a joke about insurance? – “The Use of A.I. In Insurance” 2017 Insurance Canada Executive Forum

Five Things You Already Know and One Thing You Don’tTD Bank Innovation & Emerging Technology Workshop a.k.a. TechJam


Food is SocialMaple Lodge Executive Planning Forum

Creative IgnitionArtrepreneur for the York City Arts Council

Create More Better Different — Sheridan College

Create More Better Different — Centennial College


The Working Dead FITC, Toronto

The Working Dead Collide, Halifax

Fail to SucceedDevTO, Toronto

The Pinocchio Effectiab Roadshow, Toronto


The Fail Lure — Collide, Halifax

The Pixel Painter: An Interview With 98-Year-Old Digital Artist, Hal LaskoFITC, Toronto

FAIL MOAR! — FITC, Toronto


Create For Your Type — NXNEi, Toronto
8.8/10 Speaker Rating

Fantastic — thorough and thought provoking. Best talk so far!

Really enjoyed it! Will definitely affect the way I work and offered a lot of practical examples to change things in the long term. THANK YOU!

Create More Better Different — Codemotion, Rome


Don’t Be The Ass In AssumptionConversuation#4, Ad Lounge, Toronto

The Eight Creative TypesFITC, Vancouver; #DevTO, Toronto; NXNEi, Toronto; FITC, Toronto


ETA (Host/MC)Emerging Technology and Advertising, Toronto
Interviewed Evan Roth and Joshua Harris

How To Create More Better Different NXNEi , Toronto

All-Day Creativity WorkshopNXNEi, Toronto

Breaking Through Creative BarriersFITC, Toronto
9.3/10 Speaker Rating

I really found it helpful the way he was able to create concrete tool kits for a generally abstract creative process. I love learning new process methodologies to inform my own processes.

Loved it. Most practical and useful talk i’ve had yet at a design conference.

The Creative Method + Systems v2springfestival, Graz, Austria

The Creative Method + Systems: A PrimerOCAD, Toronto

The Creative Method + SystemsIvey School of Business


Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About BannersGlobe & Mail, Toronto

Chaos & Creativity: Special Marketing Editioniab MIXX, Toronto

The Creative Method + Systems v2NXNEi, Toronto

Creativity & ChaosFITC, Toronto
9.1/10 Speaker Rating

Philosophy & physics to tie into matters of creativity = awesome. Really enjoyed the presentation. Well done.

Ad Vice: Ten Tips for Fledgeling MarketersOCADU + Humber College, Toronto

Creativity & ChaosFITC, Amsterdam

Red Riding Hood Remix: Innovation Through StorytellingFlash in T.O., Toronto


4hr The Creative Method + Systems WorkshopRich Media Institute, Toronto

The Creative Method + SystemsNew York University

There Is No Box: How To Think Beyond The EdgeFITC, Toronto
9.5/10 Speaker Rating

Brilliant and very inspiring!

Extending Your Portfolio OnlineOCAD, Toronto


4hr Exponential Brainstorming WorkshopRich Media Institute, Toronto

How to BS* BetterFITC, Toronto & Chicago[*Brainstorm]


Tweenland: The Trends and Media Environment of ‘Generation Net’Ogilvy & Kraft Summit

All-Day Exponential Brainstorming WorkshopRich Media Institute, Toronto

1% — Because 99% of the Internet is Sh*tFITC Roadshow, Winnipeg


Yellow Pages Canada Case StudyVerge, OgilvyOne Global Digital Summit

Branding and Control in the Digital AgeRotman’s School of Business

Jason Theodor
+1 416 662 0144

Jason Theodor is a Creative Director, Speaker, Writer, Geek

Jason’s modest goal is to unlock the world’s creative potential. He is regularly featured at conferences worldwide, including FITC, NXNEi, iab, Collide, springfestival, and Code Motion. Jason also enjoys sharing his experiences with students and is a frequent lecturer at universities like NYU, Rotman’s School of Business, and OCAD. With over 20 years experience in digital marketing, Jason continues to strive for new ways to communicate ideas that are captivating, strategic, and memorable. He is currently writing a book and publishing a daily art journal about creativity and the human condition on Medium.com called All-Day Breakfast.



Jason Theodor
About Jason Theodor

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at JasonTheodor.com