Jason Theodor is a Writer

about creativity and the human condition

Jason Theodor
About Jason Theodor
4 min readMar 24, 2016



Note: This is a living document, updated frequently with the most current information available about Jason Theodor. Use the navigation bars or click on the signature to go back to home.

You will go far. — Carol Shields, 4th Yr Creative Writing Class, U of Manitoba


Magmaker Blog Spotlight
for Flipboard.com


How to Read Game of Thrones
or how to read George R. R. Martin’s staggering, cumbersome epic without getting traumatized by the torture, rape, incest, and murder, thwarted by the medieval language, lost in his vast, invented world of strangely named cities and surrounding geography, muddled by the epic history and mythology, confused by the excessive cast of characters, or bored by the details of custom and culture.

on Medium (with 26K+ views)

The Working Dead
on Medium (with 1,400 views)

Journals & Blogs

All-Day Breakfast
on Medium.com

(x)*—interne(x)t unvertising*
on LinkedIn (and on Medium here)


The Creative Method and Systems: Workshop Edition
on Slideshare (with 240,000+ views)

Industry Articles

M.A.P.S.: The Four Pillars of Creative Job Fulfillment
for 99u.com

What is a digital art director?
for Marketing Magazine

Create More Better Different

Jason Theodor
+1 416 662 0144

Jason Theodor is a Creative Director, Speaker, Writer, Geek


Note: This is a living document, updated frequently with the most current information availableabout Jason Theodor. Use the navigation bars or click on the signature to go back to home.

Jason’s modest goal is to unlock the world’s creative potential. He is regularly featured at conferences worldwide, including FITC, NXNEi, iab, Collide, springfestival, and Code Motion. Jason also enjoys sharing his experiences with students and is a frequent lecturer at universities like NYU, Rotman’s School of Business, and OCAD. With over 20 years experience in digital marketing, Jason continues to strive for new ways to communicate ideas that are captivating, strategic, and memorable. He is currently writing a book and publishing a daily art journal about creativity and the human condition on Medium.com called All-Day Breakfast.



Jason Theodor
About Jason Theodor

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at JasonTheodor.com